Los Angeles: Many African Americans praise Arizona immigration law
April 24, 3:04 PM
LA African American Conservative Examiner
Lisa Carter

"They need to pass this law in California," says Monique Johnson, an African American who describes herself as "liberal," but takes serious concern on the illegal immigration issue. She is talking about the great new law in Arizona that makes it--guess what--a crime to be in this country illegally. Fifteen out of twenty African Americans we talked to agreed with the Arizona law; however, many were afraid to give their names for this article in fear of the open borders lynch mob going after them.

"African American children have had enough," a school teacher in Pasadena tells us. "They have been harassed, beaten, and ridiculed by illegal immigrant children who shouldn't even be here." The teacher went on to tell us on how one of her students attempted to commit suicide after contantly being called the "N" word by Mexican illegal immigrants. However, the story has not received any airtime because the liberal media is afraid of offending illegal immigrants.

Opponents of the new Arizona law say that racial profiling will now become legal. "These same people certainly don't consider it a problem when illegal Mexicans purposely target African Americans and other races," believes Kyle Anderson, an African American law student in Westwood. However, he believes that the law will also be overturned in some court, just like the great Proposition 187 was.

African Americans need to take a stand against the racist, illegal invasion of people that live and breathe hatred. Please go to numbersusa.com and learn how you can help. This group is very supportive to African American causes.

http://www.examiner.com/x-30616-LA-Afri ... s-Politics