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Rosanna Pulido: American Patriot
Commenter Israel writes:

“I think I might be able to answer Shade’s question posted earlier [about why Rosanna Pulido is called a race traitor because she opposes illegal “immigration”]. First of all Shade, I am Hispanic, 53 years old, U.S. born as are my parents (both Hispanic). In my immediate family we still speak, read and write Spanish as a second language and are very proud of the contributions that we as Hispanics have given our country through our culture, heritage, and plain old good citizenship. For example, starting with my father (now 83) in 1945 to the present a total of 26 (and counting) members on my father’s side of the family have served in our country’s armed forces. We have served in virtually every armed conflict since 1945 either through the draft or as volunteers.

“Yep, we still eat tortillas and make tamales at Christmas time. We don’t pretend to be anything other than what we are. Most definitely we are Americans first and thankfully my parents raised us with the belief that the content of a person’s character defined them; being brown and Hispanic was just a matter of circumstance.

“Unfortunately, it is my and my family’s observation that some of our Hispanic brethren choose to define themselves in a mindset that I term: I am Hispanic, therefore I am. I think that this mindset colors everything in those terms and creates a very narrow perspective of one’s experience. These fellow Hispanics create a definition of what it means to be a “Real Hispanic.”

“And so because my family and I view illegal immigration as just that - illegal immigration. We are deemed traitors, Tio Tacos, sellouts, self-haters, you name it by these “Real Hispanics.”

“We don’t speak up publicly, but I assure you that at family gatherings this issue comes up and we vent our anger. Supporters of illegal immigration would not find a warm welcome at our family gatherings.”


Rosanna Pulido reminds me of me.

She’s a woman, a racial “minority,” a member of a so-called “disenfranchised,” preferred, and protected group, with a myriad of disingenuous yet highly effective justifications to rely on skin color to get by in life and excuse the acts of badly behaving members of her racial group.

Based on what I’ve read about her, she isn’t doing any of those things. Instead, Rosanna Pulido, daughter of legal immigrants from Mexico, is doing the unexpected. She’s a woman of Mexican descent who abhors illegal “immigration” and is doing something about it. Pulido is the founder of the Illinois chapter of the Minuteman Project — a group of American patriots who volunteer to peacefully stand watch at the border. Like me, she’s been called a traitor for standing up, publicly and without equivocation, for what she believes in.

With my eyes closed, I could quote the kind of e-mail she gets verbatim.

Despite the heat, Pulido is now Illinois chapter leader of You Don’t Speak For Me!, an organization of American patriots of hispanic descent and hispanic legal immigrants with the courage to shout from the rooftops that illegal “immigration” is harmful to citizens and legal aliens, and that it should be stopped. How refreshing it is to read (bold added):

We are Americans of Hispanic heritage who believe in America. We believe in the governmental institutions and laws that make this country the greatest in the world. It is because of this strong belief in the principles of freedom, individual liberties, the rule of law, and democracy that we formed You Don’t Speak for Me!: American Hispanic Voices Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration…American Hispanic voices are being shouted down by the hate and race-directed rhetoric of those who do not appreciate the laws of our country. We of You Don’t Speak for Me! give voice to those without a voice and those whose opposition to illegal immigration is drowned out by illegal aliens and their supporters marching in the streets demanding undeserved “rights” of U.S. citizens…We are standing together to say to the those who come here illegally and those who would give amnesty to those who have broken our laws, you are wrong and you should not be claiming to speak for all American Hispanics. You Don’t Speak for Me!
Mere words can’t express how glad I am to know that Rosanna Pulido and a group like You Don’t Speak for Me! exist. I’m close to tears. Really. It gives me so much hope. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from. If you love America and respect its laws, you’re alright with me.

Pulido told the Chicago Sun-Times, “I believe there are a lot of Hispanics out there like me who are afraid to speak out. I’m uniting with other Latinos who know we must stand up for the rule of law and fight for every American citizen no matter what race or ethnicity they are.”

Don’t be afraid. Come out of the closet! We need you. If you’re a blogger of hispanic descent who is against illegal “immigration,” send me your links or trackback to this post.

America first, people. Skin color ties, ethnic loyalties, racial group grievances — all of that is inferior to the common qualities we share as law-abiding, freedom-loving, rule of law-supporting Americans. I may be of African descent, but being an American — born in the greatest country in the world — is what I value.

Posted by La Shawn @ 7:58 am