Saturday, 02 January 2010: 00
The Latin States Of America!

States Latin of America States Latin America in the past two decades, Hispanics not only have become the first minority in the North colossus surpassing Americans but that have not ceased to win prestige in the world more competitive society without losing their roots: their mother tongue and their traditions, including the majority Catholic fervour.

Written by Humberto Montero / journalist and analyst Spanish Saturday,

02 January 2010 00 12345 (10 votes) could have dedicated this space to analyze how much leave behind in this first decade of the 21st century, but I prefer to raise the front view and scrutinise the horizon. With the advent of new technologies, ten years are nothing. Today events occur at a speed so frantic anywhere in the world that there is time to assimilate them. Ten years in these times are half a century in the middle ages. Spend more, which we have news in one minute to the age of the caves.
These days I read analysis on which meant the 9 / 11, or the implications of climate change in our lives, but I discovered a fact envelope that nobody writes that will mark the next decade. And I do not mean the unstoppable consolidation of China as a superpower but Hispanic expansion into the dominant Empire of our era: United States.

In the past two decades, Hispanics not only have become the first minority in the North colossus surpassing Americans but that have not ceased to win prestige in the world more competitive society without losing their roots: their mother tongue and their traditions, including the majority Catholic fervour. Although it seems incredible, a shy teletype, hidden among the millions of cables crossing in my La Razón, computer gave me the key. Read: "Dr Pepper Snapple beverage company was sued today by seven African American employees who have been discriminated against for years by Hispanic supervisors in Chicago". I was about to let it run until it fell on its importance. Barely ten years ago, the information would have been the reverse. I.e. reportedly Hispanic employees that demandaran their African-American supervisors.

The growth of the Hispanic has been both, today we can claim that the first Black President of the United States is installed in the White House thanks to Latin, vote that was nothing less than 67 % by 31 % of McCain. And we can say so because more than 10 million Hispanics were to vote on that day, 32 % more than in the presidential elections of 2004, its political commitment to their new country leaving patent.

Candidates know that latino power is unstoppable and why their campaigns speak Spanish, not so much because Hispanics do not speak the language of Shakespeare (the vast majority is bilingual or have basic knowledge of English) but because they know that the language is one of the hallmarks that immigrants from the other side of the Rio Grande maintained even when you are completely assimilated. Today, unlike during the 1950s to the 1980s, latinos are not required to renounce their mother tongue to integrate. Pride by Spanish is perceived in New York, Miami, Chicago or Los Angeles to make him believe one that has not come home although it is walking by Manhattan. An irremediable, contagion from Alaska to Tierra Fuego, Spanish is the predominant language.

When we closed the first decade of the century we can say that 900 million people living in America, some 450 million are expressed in Spanish, making our language the second most widely spoken of the world as language after Chinese Mandarin. English is relegated to second place, with some 325 million speakers. Still is the most influential language, but in America sentiments are expressed in English, foreign language chosen by 60 per cent of students.

And projections are even more impressive. The minority that has most grown in the United States, to represent 16 % of the population with almost 50 of their 306 million, speaks a language other than the official at an overwhelming proportion (between 60 % and 70 %, according to studies) in their homes. So 12 % of the U.S. population speaks Spanish as primary language. New Mexico is already predominant although not yet minority. In 2050, the Office of the United States census estimated the Hispanic population will double: the 400 million inhabitants, 49 % will be blancos-caucásicos, 28 % are Hispanic, black 12 % and 6 % Asian. I.e., for the first time since its Foundation, the wasp (white, Protestant) will be minority. But most important is its growing power: is the strongest group (partly because of his youth, 27 years by 36 national average) and that more children has (3 by 2 national average), their purchasing this 2010 power to reach 1,000 billion dollars (only surpassed by GDP of Spain and Mexico) and begins to occupy key positions. Almost 12 % of senior officials of the Administración Obama are Latino and 50 are senior officials, including two women: Judge Sotomayor in the Supreme Court and Hilda Solis, brand-new Secretary working.

The future is Hispanic, as discovered Lula da Silva over five years to encourage the study of Spanish in Brazil with the aim of making co-official mid-century. It's time that Hispanics (European, American, Caribbean, Mesoamerican and South American) let us unite our forces to reach a possible dream: the Latin States of America. 10 Years are keys to the first United States President named also González. ... erica.html

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