Gordon should assist Arpaio's efforts
Apr. 17, 2008 12:00 AM

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon's request that the FBI investigate the actions of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is ludicrous ("Gordon calls for inquiry into Arpaio," Republic, Sunday). Gordon should show some guts and instruct his police force to assist the sheriff in doing the job that they were elected to do.

The undocumented immigrant is here illegally. Does Gordon know what that means? Or is he so ignorant that we have to explain it to him?

If you are here illegally, that means you are breaking the law. Does this mean anything to the mayor? Obviously, he only wants to enforce the laws that he agrees with and ignore the ones he does not.

I am a citizen born in the United States. My parents, both from Mexico, came here legally and were law-abiding citizens.

If these people want to live the American dream, then they must start by abiding by the laws of the land. - Frank Silva,Glendale

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