Again, "Why do some Hispanics who are United States Citizens desire to partner themselves with criminal ILLEGALS? I would think any U.S. Citizens would want to distance themselves from the ILLEGALS! Could it be just the so called "Hispanics Leadership (?)" fabricating a play for power and of course money always the money! Do all United States Citizens of any other heritage want to protect ILLEGALS from their heritage who are in the United States as ILLEGALS? The answer is NO except for only the individuals that would benefit financially from the ILLEGALS or receive Political Power. The Hispanic leadership (?) claims that the vast majority of U.S. Citizens of Hispanic Heritage do support the criminal ILLEGALS as strongly as the Hispanics leadership (?)!
I would suggest that the self appointed leadership of any Heritage Group main concern is to receive monetary gains and be able to furnish votes for their Elitist Politicians in return for power."

Latino leader threatens to leave GOP over Cain’s electrified border fence idea

Posted on October 17, 2011 at 6:39 pm by Peggy Fikac in Campaign 2012

But Herman Cain’s proposal for an electrified border fence may be enough to push Lauro Antonio Garza, state director of Somos Republicans, out of the GOP.

In an essay posted on the group’s Web site entitled, “GOP Leadership: Reprehensible,â€