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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    An Immigrant's Observations

    I found this at a forum I frequent. I asked for a link but I never received a reply. If a link is provided, I will post it.

    An Immigrant’s Observations


    An Immigrant’s Observations

    by Dymphna

    Hi Dymphna,

    CitizensI still like the U.S. despite a lot of disappointments since I came here. Yes, I am the same as your mother; I, too, like to be free of “old” societal habits and traditions. On the other hand I have realized that those traditions are there to hold specific societies together. That is what makes a society with loyal people who trust each other. I miss it [the cohesion] here.

    I came to the U.S. some years ago on an Exchange Visiting Scientist visa. What I didn’t realize till later, was that I was really a “cheap” replacement so they wouldn’t have to hire a more expensive American employee. All that time, I thought I was a “guest” on a scholarship.

    I planned to work in the U.S for a year or two, look around, see the National Parks and go back home. But then in my second year here I met the man who was to become my husband and so I have stayed for good.

    I didn’t like anything about the first town I live in, the one whose university hired me on the cheap. But I love it here in the Northwest. I have a lot of friends and a nice life. Because I emigrated from very cultured place I sometimes miss that rich cultural life. However, I got used to living in the woods and I am satisfied with my life here. My husband and I own a small, technical business. This requires further education for me, so I study through a long distance program.

    Coming from a homogeneous society I really don’t like multiculturalism. I remember the beautiful, clean and orderly cities and countries of Europe. You could go everywhere. In Paris, I used to browse suburbs without fear. I worked in a Scandanavian country for a year in the mid-eighties and I walked alone in the evening, even when it was very late.

    During that period I was liberal. I loved different people, different cultures — I hadn’t had any bad experiences with them. Later on I came to understand that all the cultures are stable within their own borders.

    After the fall of Communism in 1989, I began traveling a lot in Europe; I could see the degradation of the cities, mainly Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris. Citizens of all the countries I visited complained about losing their pensions, about the healthcare system, and also about the mess and skyrocketing criminality, mainly in their cities. They were told that they are lazy. German officials blamed the mess on the fusion with East Germany.

    Nobody told the truth, which was their social systems were being sucked dry by third world, uneducated , lazy, and hostile masses of people. These sullen immigrants scammed the system, wherever possible. These were not behaviors that native Europeans would ever think about doing. Remember my comment about mutual trust? It was like that.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Immigrants in Europe get expensive surgeries for their extended family members. These relative come from their countries of origin just for medical care.

    In Canada, it is the same. I visit there frequently. The immigrants — mostly Pakistanis and Indians, get things like hip replacements for several of their relatives, using one (usually stolen) health insurance card. A Canadian nurse told me that her healthcare card was charged three times for hysterectomies — a medical procedure she has never had. Is it any wonder that ordinary people have to wait so long for items like hip replacements? These are not prosthetics which can be manufactured in large numbers.

    Talking about healthcare: the same is happening here. Mexicans are abusing the healthcare system wherever they can. People “borrow” others’ children in order to get into the healthcare system. A friend told me that he watched one child changing his clothes repeatedly and going back into the doctor’s office over and over again with different Mexican adults.

    You can only imagine how much of this is going on. We are being lied to, just like the Europeans. We are being told that we are paying more for healthcare because of lawsuits. Those lawsuits may be some small part of it but the main problem is simple math: somebody has to pay for the twenty million illegal immigrants who are flooding in, not to mention the other several millions here legally — uneducated immigrants who don’t pay taxes because of their low income. They are all on tax-supported Medicaid.

    I have been in the medical field the whole my life. When I hear the American press talk about failing socialized Canadian and European healthcare systems, I know this is not the truth. Our medical system is being overwhelmed, too, and for the same reasons. Obviously they do not tell the whole truth.

    The media also point to how bad Europe has it with the immigrants. They obviously don’t go to California. If they did, they’d see the same thing.

    We go to California/Mexifornia several times a year. The bathrooms everywhere have become trashy and unclean. Towns are deserted. Take Watsonville: it is a ghost town now. Before mass immigration it was a normal agricultural town with the usual businesses. They are all gone now and only empty buildings are left. The streets are filled with trash. The only people you ever see are Mexican. This is the real picture you see if you pay attention.

    The same thing has happened to a small town to the south of us. Again, all the businesses are gone except for two or three Mexican restaurants. Meanwhile, our city is experiencing huge increases in robberies — mainly cars and property theft in burglaries, all due to the influx of immigrants. Here’s an interesting change: Sears and other department stores have placed only Spanish tags on their merchandise. It is increasingly hard for those who speak only English to get hired in such places.

    America is being overrun by the third world folk the same way Europe is, but it seems to me that generally people still don’t see it. Are they in denial? In some ways it is worse here because not only are they changing the culture, driving people away, but they are also changing the language. That is not happening in Europe.

    I am a member of a sports club here in my town and nearly every person in the group is from California. Once you get to know them they will tell you why they moved away: because the wave of illegals drove them out, because the increase in crime and mess made it unlivable. The mother of a friend of mine was killed by an illegal Mexican immigrant in southern California.

    Something that is not mentioned either is the increase in infections, bedbugs, and dirt in nursing homes, hospitals, and hotels. A few years ago, when we traveled to California, we could find a modestly priced motel room that was clean. Now we have to pay double just to be able to have a room free of filth and bedbugs [Paula’s experience re bedbugs is being reflected across the country. The future Baron’s first year at college was nearly ruined by the infestation in his room and his subsequent severe allergic reaction to the bites. The college wouldn’t listen until it got so serious that the boys had to be moved to a hotel in order to de-infest their room. Unfortunately, he became so ill that his studies suffered and his grade point average never recovered. His roommate’s parents think the infestation came from a motel stay during summer vacation since their house became infested, too. For more information on bedbug problems in this country, just google ’em.]

    I am proud of my European heritage and I think that Europeans have worked hard to get where we are now, whether they live in the U.S. or in the EU. Without our cultures there would be a much lower standard of living. Why is this something to be ashamed of?

    Nobody has the right to live in a country they didn’t enter legally. Mexicans don’t have any right to be here if they are not going to learn the language and get an education. The same is true for the Muslims overrunning Europe.

    Countries with a long history of their own European culture should be able to retain their customs. Of course I am not talking about several thousand immigrants per year who would become citizens and become a part of the culture. But as we know, that is not the case, and in these masses there is power. The more of them the more problems we will have and the more they will try to change our cultures rather than adapt to a new one.

    We can cancel California as an English speaking state. And we will see what happens with other states like Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, etc. As for Western Europe, there is nothing more to talk about. The only hope in Europe is the post-Communists countries, mostly in Eastern Europe. They will try to preserve their identity, but they may yet succumb to European Union pressure.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    What's left of Ohio
    Wow, that's powerful.

    She said it all in a nutshell. Not that it would make a bit of difference because they all know it to be true, I wish the legislatures would all read that.
    A Nation with no borders is not a Nation"
    --Ronald Reagan

  3. #3
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Oh, man, now I am depressed.
    Well, as bad as it is here we're not as bad as she makes it sound (yet).
    Very good story from a person who has seen a lot of the world.
    Yes, all our elected reps should read it. Bet some do here too.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #4
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by UnemployedAmerican
    Wow, that's powerful.

    She said it all in a nutshell. Not that it would make a bit of difference because they all know it to be true, I wish the legislatures would all read that.
    Do you really think it would make any difference to our congressmen, or our Senators if they read this? I don't think so.
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  5. #5
    Senior Member sawdust's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    They all know what is going on and they don't care.

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