Last modified Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:29 PM PDT

Leaders need to face immigration truth

By: GARY WALKER - Commentary

The dangerously out-of-control illegal alien issue is really nothing more than a transparent attempt to craftily market lawlessness by shifting the legal argument from that of safety, security and the rule of law to the false flag of jobs, children and families. The message President Bush and the Senate are sending to the tens of millions of illegal aliens that have stolen into our nation is: "You stole it; you earned it!" (amnesty, Social Security benefits, free schooling, medical, etc.).

What these politicians and most of the media knowingly refuse to do (much as was done during Germany's Holocaust when many "knew" what was going on), however, is inform an unsuspecting public about the significant dark side to this disastrous illegal alien invasion from Mexico. This is known as guilt by omission, the flip side of guilt by commission.

It's a well-known fact that Escondido is plagued with violent gangs, schools that are consistently ranked among the worst in the state and nation, gross overcrowding in many dwellings, per capita income that is the lowest in the county (half of Poway's), regular stabbings, murders, rapes and lots of graffiti. Vista Mayor Morris Vance and Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler and several of their sympathetic council members have made Escondido and Vista virtual sanctuary cities for illegal aliens and their manifold illegal activities. Because of this, safety, quality of life and community desirability are rapidly diminishing in these communities. Escondido, as a microcosm of the nation, is at a critical tipping point.

Add to this the fact that between 10,000 to 15,000 illegal aliens are entering our country each day and that our president and Senate are openly and willfully allowing this massive invasion to flourish, and we have the recipe for catastrophic terrorist attacks and civil unrest.

Nowhere was this more noticeable than in the recent large-scale national pro-illegal alien rallies, where many areas experienced violence against our police and citizenry. Escondido and particularly Vista had full-scale riots where Latino anarchists violently clashed with police and which the agenda-driven media intentionally downplayed or blacked out. These are just a very small segment of the crushing, unbearable and unconscionable costs ---- which are sure to dramatically escalate ---- being forced upon us by President Bush and the Senate on a national level, and by Mayors Pfeiler and Vance on a local level.

A rational, alert person would ask, "Why are we putting up with this criminal insanity?" Evidently communities all over the nation are saying, "Enough!" Hazelton, Pa., recently voted unanimously to impose severe penalties on landlords and contractors that commerce with illegal aliens; communities nationwide are now following suit. They're voting out those politicians who have betrayed the rule of law, the public trust and their electorate and are replacing them with people ---- such as Escondido councilwoman and patriot Marie Waldron ---- willing to do the people's, not special interests', business. This is what we desperately need nationally and here in North County, starting with Vista and Escondido!

Gary Walker lives in Escondido.