Leaders, writers encourage illegal immigration
June 28, 2008 - 4:12 p.m.

Letter to Editor of Victoria Advocate, Texas newspaper

Free speech can be a societally destructive thing when it is ungoverned by rules. When speech does not tend toward a constructive solution of issues, it is invariably destructive. Free speech demands responsibility, responsibility to consider — to know — what would be the consequence of what is being argued for should the argument succeed. Free speech without rules and, therefore, without responsibility leads to what we have today, a nation fragmented into scores, even hundreds, of factions screaming their credo gritos at one another and the nation as a whole.

The situation, of course, is the culmination of a program instituted by then newly formed Central Intelligence Agency, Operation MOCKINGBIRD. Operation MOCKINGBIRD intended, and quickly succeeded, in co-opting, neutralization, and effective takeover of the nation’s news and information media. Its stated purpose then was to “deceive, confuse, and finally hold bewilderedâ€