Immigration Debate Returns To South Sioux

With a diverse population, South Sioux City, Nebraska has been a focal point for those speaking out on both sides of the immigration issue.

With the symbol of American freedom at their backs, the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps take on those living illegally in the U.S.

Robert Ford explains, "You can drive up and down the avenue and see graffiti, and it's not in English."

Veterans Park is also the site of another notable protest. On this same sidewalk, a year ago, one thousand people stood strong against tighter immigration reform. Their call for looser legislation was heard loud and clear.

On Saturday, protesters voiced their concerns, saying illegal immigrants bring down the system, corrupt health care, and contribute to the crime rate.

The Minutemen believe over 20 million illegal immigrants are hiding in the country, and they want all of them gone. Some members say deportation isn't the only answer.

David Nettleton says, "If we turn off the magnets that draw them, which is corporate America, a greedy corporate America who hires these people, works them half to death, and then doesn't pay them substantial wages. We believe these people who made their way here, will make their way back to their home country."

With Congress no where near a solution on illegal immigration, protests like these could be a regular site in a diverse but divided community.

This peaceful protest did turn violent Saturday afternoon, when a man allegedly assaulted one of the minutemen with a broomstick.

Police arrested the man and charges are pending.

At one point, about 25 people opposing the group showed up, prompting a heated discussion that was quickly simmered by South Sioux City police.