This is from a well-known anti-illegal immigration activist. The author poses a good question. Will the military and police side with the citizens or the government? Maybe we should start asking them whose side they would take. Also, he predicts 30% chance that Bush will stay in office beyond Jan. '09. I don't get that impression of Bush, but I may be wrong.


Subject: FW: letter to the editor
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 15:57:18 -0500

I wrote in this forum recently that the U.S. is a Communist police state. I stated on a Salt Lake City radio show April, 2006 there is a 30% chance Bush would not relinquish the presidency at the prescribed time. I enunciated the war on terrorism is a cruel hoax and Bush would attack Iran before the end of his Presidency.

Explanation: the foundations are in place, resulting in a dictatorship. The Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions act, the Martial Law Codicil, failure to secure our national borders, the Security, Prosperity Partnership, accompanied by the Trans-national corridor, three aircraft strike forces replete with stealth B-2 bombers carrying 30,000 pound bunker buster bombs resting in the Persian Gulf, executive orders are written, signed and waiting to be executed.

The laws and acts enumerated allow wiretapping( the FBI has practiced this indiscriminately), search & seizure without warrants, Green Lanterns in computers, authority for the President to seize the states' national guards under contrived or perceived circumstances , dissolving Posse Comitatus and the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Policing agencies have been militarized (weaponry) and Blackwater troops (mercenaries) are embedded in the military and the various policing agencies, with questionable allegiances to U.S. citizens. All for a reason.

Government has prepared for the coming civil unrest, precipitated by the millions of legals and illegals penetrating our shores with no regard for the Constitution, rule of law, heritage, and culture, all by design.

The burning question; when civil unrest breaks out between the invading hordes and American citizens and the order comes down from Bush/Gonzales/Chertoff to stamp out the citizen's protest, what will be the response of America's military and law enforcement? Will they support citizens or criminally corrupt politicians and bureaucrats?

America's hegemonic hubris is a terminal disease.

Reality is not politically correct.