Looks like most of these Texans know what they are talking about.


Letters: A fight in Farmers Branch

09:59 AM CST on Sunday, November 19, 2006

Following law isn't racism

Re: "FB moves against illegal immigrants – Council approves restrictions on rentals, language measure," Tuesday news story.

It amazes me that you put this story above the fold. Does this not strike you as an oxymoron? The headline should read, "FB moves to support the law." Why are the law-abiding American citizens being made out to be racists? All we want is legal immigration.

When are you going to start reporting the truth about the decline of the schools and hospitals, the overcrowding of the jails and the criminals who are committing horrible crimes against Americans?

Farmers Branch is just trying to take its city back. If you aren't going to support it, the least you can do is not fuel the flame.

Nancy Dekker, Plano

I'll live and spend in town

Thank you, Farmers Branch, for having the guts to do the politically incorrect thing in passing the ordinance to require illegal immigrants to comply with our laws.

Now, all you have to do is to overcome the inevitable temporary restraining order and 20 years of legal challenge from LULAC, the ACLU and every other special interest group.

I will be the first to relocate to Farmers Branch and spend all of my tax dollars there if you are successful – if I don't die of old age first.

Tom Lee, Dallas

How to enforce all of this?

I have no problem with what was passed by the Farmers Branch City Council, but I do have a problem with how the council plans to implement rental provisions.

As a Hispanic, if I try to rent a place in Farmers Branch, I will have to show proof of citizenship or residency. Now if Joe Blow – white, with blue eyes and blond hair – also tries to rent, does he have to show the same proof? This is where the problems will start.

I remember being on a bus in California on my way to Travis Air Force Base, when the Border Patrol stopped the bus. The only people asked to show IDs were the Hispanics, including me. I am sure the officer assumed everyone else on board was American because they were white.

Ernesto Galvan, Argyle

Examine Garcia's motives

I used to work for one of Domingo Garcia's political contributors, and the only reason he backed Mr. Garcia was to get something in return.

If Mr. Garcia's supporters believe he is on their side, they should look again. He is nothing more than a political opportunist who craves power. Thankfully, he was not elected mayor of Dallas.

The Latino community has many fine leaders who do not jump at every news event attempting to gain recognition to increase their own standing, as Mr. Garcia does.

Jan Ney, Dallas

Echoes of our ugliest past

Tim O'Hare is obviously not old enough to remember the "No Irish need apply" and "No dogs or Irish allowed" signs of my grandmother's days. Back then, ignorant folks actually went down to the docks to see the "greenhorns" come ashore, thinking they were people who actually had green horns.

I thought we had grown up enough as a country and a people to put this kind of prejudice behind us, but apparently not. I thank my lucky stars that I did not buy a home in Farmers Branch.

William Ogden, Carrollton

I'd like to see that lawsuit

I find curious the statement of the LULAC representative, who called the Farmers Branch proposal punitive. Isn't the response to breaking the law supposed to be punitive?

So LULAC and other groups now threaten a punitive lawsuit against Farmers Branch. On what basis, the right to break the law?

Ray Fillingim, Double Oak

No more touchtone hassle?

Farmers Branch declared English its official language, but I didn't know it had ever changed. We don't pander to those who only speak Vietnamese or Swahili, so why give way to those who only speak Spanish?

Does this mean I don't have to "push 1 for English" when calling the city anymore?

Steve Olkewicz, Mesquite

What a way to treat them

The inaction of our federal government to enforce our immigration laws only validates the theory that it has another agenda in mind for the millions of illegal immigrants in this country.

Ignoring the issue of hiring illegal immigrants in Farmers Branch but passing measures to ensure that landlords require proof of residency clearly sends a message to me: It's OK if the business owners benefit from cheap labor, as long as the illegal immigrants leave town after work.

Steven Mitchell, Rowlett

More should follow this city

Good for Farmers Branch for standing up for laws already on the books. It's not discrimination; illegal immigrants are taking advantage of our system and generosity. We work for our insurance, pay for our kids to go to school – no one gives us anything.

I hope other cities get on board with this and start enforcing laws. An unlawful nation is a chaotic one.

Michele Mayberry, Richardson

Not fooled by switched flag

What's funny about the picture of the Latino protesters waving American flags at the Farmers Branch City Council meeting is that many of them were waving Mexican flags during the illegal immigration marches this spring. This is not fooling anyone.

I still don't understand how upholding the law is a bad thing, as many Latino groups claim.

Warren Patterson, Plano