I allmost fell off my chair when I read the headline on Foxnewsinsider today! Obma, the President of the United Stateds of America is comparing his donor base to those people who donate to supporting the Minutemen! OMG! Are we living in a alternate universe? Has the end of the world as we once knew it ended and we are living in some alter universe?

What is this man thinking? So, I decided to post a response on that article!

Here is the link to the article: DEBATE: President Obama Compares Campaign Donors to Minutemen | Fox News Insider

And here is my response:

OBAMA comparing his donors to “Minutemen Donors”? has this man any idea of how stupid that sounds? His donors want open borders, Minutemen & women want them Closed! His donors want Freebies for all the Illegal Aliens, Minutemen & women want them out of our country! His donors want English to be the 2nd language, Minutemen & women wand ONLY English spoken in America! His donors have NEVER been to the border late at night and heard a women being raped less than 100 yards south of the border! Minutemen & women HAVE and continue to assist law enforcement in protecting this country. His donors want to stop BP & ICE Deportations because it separates families, Minutemen & women want the whole family to stay together and be deported back to the country they came from. His donors don’t want any fence along any border, Minutemen and women not only want a fence they have built one themselves and repaired miles of fence to help keep America safe. His donors want only criminal Illegal Aliens deported at best, Minutemen & women want ALL Illegal Aliens Deported regardless of what country you came here from. His donors want more Visas open to 3rd world countries, Minutemen & women want less visas so American Citizens can fill the vacant jobs!
I cannot believe that a sitting president would even on his worst day ever try to make that comparison, I’m sorry Mr. President but as much as I respect the Office of the POTUS, you are a total disgrace to the American public.