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Thread: Lindsey Graham Calls For Republicans To End Immigration Standoff With Obama

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  1. #1
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    Lindsey Graham Calls For Republicans To End Immigration Standoff With Obama

    Zach Carter Become a fan

    Posted: 02/22/2015 11:07 am EST

    WASHINGTON -- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called on Republicans to abandon the congressional standoff with President Barack Obama over immigration policy and funding the Department of Homeland Security.

    DHS funding expires on Feb. 27, and the GOP has resisted calls to fund the agency, citing objections to Obama's recent actions making the deportation of undocumented immigrants less of a priority. While those policies must be carried out through DHS, refusing to fund DHS will not actually stop them from being implemented, as the key programs are financed by fees, rather than congressional appropriations.

    A federal judge in Texas, however, recently imposed an injunction against implementing the reforms, which would allow millions of undocumented immigrants to continue living in the United States without being harassed by law enforcement.

    On ABC's "This Week," Graham said he agreed with the judge's decision, and called on Republicans to support the court case and pass a clean bill to fund DHS.

    "I hope Republicans will come together and back the court case, file a friend of the court brief with the court and fund DHS," Graham said. "I am willing and ready to pass a DHS funding bill and let this play out in court. The worst possible outcome for this nation is to defund the Department of Homeland Security given the multiple threats we face to our homeland. And I will not be part of that."

    House Republicans have passed a bill to fund DHS, but the bill has almost no chance of enactment, since Obama has already said he would veto it for ending his relaxed immigration programs. Democrats have successfully filibustered the legislation in the Senate.

    "I hope my House colleagues will understand that our best bet is to challenge this in court, that if we don't fund the Department of Homeland Security, we'll get blamed as a party and to anyone who is watching the world as it is, I've never seen more terrorist organizations with more safe havens, with more money, with more capability to strike the homeland than today," Graham said.

    Graham has supported comprehensive immigration reform in the past, and told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he would seek to "fix immigration rather than yell about it" if he were president. Graham is exploring a 2016 presidential bid.

    If you want to get really mad you can see the left wing slide show at the link called "Reasons Latin Americans Come To The U.S.". After seeing it I don't understand why any latin american would want to come here.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    On ABC's "This Week," Graham said he agreed with the judge's decision, and called on Republicans to support the court case and pass a clean bill to fund DHS.
    Really? In what world do you think Congress can pass a clean bill to fund a dirty agency? Really, Lindsey? You who orated and argued to impeach Bill Clinton for having an affair with an of age intern? You who wanted to remove a President from Office because he lied about sex? Really? And now you want Congress to hide behind the skirts of a court system that has rarely done the right thing when it comes to immigration and a host of other issues important to the United States, including slavery? You want to sit on the sidelines and let DHS legalize illegal aliens, issue work authorization permits to illegal workers to compete with Americans for US jobs, entitle them to public benefits that Americans pay for, and give them thousands of dollars of tax refunds for taxes they never paid but that Americans did pay? Really?

    What in the hell happened to you?

    Graham has supported comprehensive immigration reform in the past, and told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he would seek to "fix immigration rather than yell about it" if he were president. Graham is exploring a 2016 presidential bid.
    Seriously? Are you that removed from reality to think Americans will vote for you to be Obama II? Really, Lindsey? Republicans are not going to support you or any other traitor for President, Republicans will not vote for you, and they won't send you any campaign money. You're toxic now. You will be shunned, ignored, uninvited and fade away into the oblivion you deserve for being a traitor to our country and citizens because you chose knowingly and willingly to put illegal aliens ahead of the best interests of American workers, American voters, American citizens, American businesses, and US taxpayers. So come clean Lindsey and tell us what cartel has bought you up?

    Get this through your thick skulls, you Senate numb-nuts, the House can not and will not pass a "clean" bill to fund a dirty agency, so stop with the "clean bill" mantra lies. A few years ago this deception might have worked on a non-fully-informed American Public, but that was then, and this is now, when Americans know more about this issue than you do because we live it every single day.

    Not a dime, Republicans, not a dime. Hold the line. Stand your ground.
    Last edited by Judy; 02-22-2015 at 04:45 PM.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  3. #3
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Lindsey Graham is a big part of the reason Obama knows he can do this and get away with it.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC View Post
    Lindsey Graham is a big part of the reason Obama knows he can do this and get away with it.

    South Carolina, seriously, Republicans you need to find someone else to represent your wonderful state. I know in my heart that most South Carolinians do not support illegal immigration in any amount of any kind or aany amnesty plot or scheme under any name. Why do you continue to send Lindsey Graham who does to the US Senate?
    Last edited by Judy; 02-23-2015 at 02:26 AM.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  5. #5
    MW is offline
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    Lindsey Graham and John McCain are so identical in their thinking that it is almost scary. The two are poster boys for the term RINO!

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW View Post
    Lindsey Graham and John McCain are so identical in their thinking that it is almost scary. The two are poster boys for the term RINO!
    I think RINO is being kind. They're traitors on the take with the cartels behind this travesty.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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