The McClatchy Co. owners of 31 daily newspapers in 15 states is at it again with their op-ed pieces promoting the OBL and pro-illegal aliens. A week ago, they published an attack on Senator Dole in the Charlotte Observer. This week they have published an admiring piece on Graham in The State newspaper in Columbia, SC.

Posted on Sun, Jul. 08, 2007
Lindsey Graham, stand-up guy
By Brad Warthen - editorial page editor for The State - Columbia, SC newspaper owned by the McClatchy Co.

LINDSEY Graham is a stand-up guy.

I just thought somebody should say that before sensible, thoughtful folk completely forget about all the hollering we’ve recently heard about his advocacy of the defunct immigration bill.
The ones doing the hollering won’t forget, or so they say. Remember the Angry White Male, who rose up and swept Newt Gingrich and his cohorts into power in Congress in 1994? Well, that guy is alive and well, and he’s really, really ticked off at Lindsey Graham. And John McCain.
Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment is being broken all over the place, right over Sen. Graham’s skull. Some sample comments from my blog:
• “Snake in the grass, closet liberal, supercilious, condescending, I-know-better-than-you-little-people Lindsey Graham. Government is the only business I know of in which the people who run it continually attempt to tell the customers why they’re wrong.â€