Lone Protester- Lindsey Graham Revisited 11/15/07

I remember listening to Mike Gravel a few months ago about first coming to Congress. He said that at first he looked around and wondered how in hell he was elected, and after a while he looked around again and wondered how in the hell everybody else got elected there. What he meant was that all of them there was a bunch of fools and I agree with him totally in that respect. I am listening to the Democrat debate and I am remembered of that and also about people speaking out of both sides of their mouth, kind of like the snake oil salesmen of old. Another good explanation was from the Indians, white man speak with forked tongue. Another one is, when can you tell when a politician is lying? When his mouth is open. Politicians simply tell the people exactly what they want to hear, and then when they get in office they get inoculated to how business is conducted. Then they forget the people who elected them and the only time you will hear from them locally, is of course when it gets near to re-election time.

A prime example of what I say is Lindsey Graham and his actions as of late. In the last two years out famous Senator has been working against the best interests of the citizens of South Carolina and the United States. Re-election is a year away and here he is back in the state seeking forgiveness from the electorate for calling them racists and bigots when he was pandering to a certain organization. Two weeks ago he was in Columbia with El Presidente at a dinner to raise money for his campaign. He got 650 thousand dollars from mostly special interests and other politicians, I doubt that very many of us normal people here gave him any. We are still too incensed about being referred to as racist and bigots to want to give him our money, or our vote. He reminds me of a used car salesman I used to know years ago, a young guy bought a car from him and before the poor guy got it home from the car lot it broke down.Then he takes it back and the salesman refuses to give him his money back. That’s Lindsey Graham. And he even kind of favors that used car salesman.

There was an interesting article relating to his campaign in the local paper today, South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMasters officially endorsed him for his re-election bid yesterday. This endorsement, to me, is just one hand greasing another one because Mr. McMasters is the state’s top law enforcement official and on his watch we have 500,000 thousand illegal aliens. On the Attorney General’s watch we have thousands of businesses employing them and are never prosecuted for their crimes. He is just one more politician that isn’t listening, and does not care to listen to the people, when we say we want our laws enforced. So him and Lindsey go hand in hand, one is a snake oil salesman and the other is like an ostrich with his head in the sand. But we, the citizens that live and work here are beginning to get fed up with having to put up with a bunch of elitist with their own plans for us. We are starting to make our voices heard and we are going to make a difference with their plans next year. There are hundreds of thousands of South Carolinians in the same position as me and we are going to have our say.

Now, to get to the meat of the matter. My business, which has almost totally gone south now because of the idiotic policies of panderers like Graham and McMasters and all the rest. This week, my total net profit comes out to a grand total of one hundred twenty-five dollars. Out of this, I have a power bill to pay, cable bill, house payment, vehicle payment and one other I can’t seem to think of for some reason. Can anyone offer any suggestion as to how I can make it stretch that far? Maybe my US Senator has an idea. So, senator (small s) Graham, and Attorney General McMasters, I want to thank both of you, from the bottom of my heart for the position I currently find myself in. Thank you for your inaction on ensuring that our laws are enforced and thank you for your pandering to the special interest groups and organizations that don’t have our best interest at heart, only the interest of money. Thank you for making it possible for me to be bankrupted by people that are not even supposed to be in my country. And we will give you our thanks next year with our votes.

I got an interesting message from my lawyer this evening, he said to forget about going to court tomorrow because he got it delayed again. This is the first I heard about it. I did not know I was supposed to be in court this quick, I didn’t even get a subpoena like I have the last three times. I guess they are trying to keep the negative publicity to a minimum. But that is okay, win or lose, the truth is going to get out. I hope that I win, but if I don’t that’s okay too, because I will appeal it, and somewhere up the line it is going to be dismissed by some judge somewhere. And then maybe life can get back to being normal once again. Or as normal as it is possible to be in this upside down world.