Lone Protester- Useless South Carolina Politicians


I woke up this morning at 530 am and what do I find in my email box, but an update from one of my local politicians, SC State Senator Joel Lourie. He is sending me information, on what he feels is the people of this state’s greatest concern. Which just happens to be payday lenders. While there are a half million illegal alien invaders in South Carolina and thousands of criminal companies employing them, this politician is concentrating all of his energy on payday lenders. Someone needs to let him know that if all the illegal aliens wasn’t putting the citizens of this state out of work, then we would not need payday lenders in the first place.

Below is his update to me, please read it carefully.-

Dear Terry,

As the session enters its final weeks, one of many issues that remain unresolved is payday lending. I believe our state should either follow the lead of North Carolina and Georgia and ban this industry, or pass tough new regulations that prevent the continued abuse of unsuspecting citizens who pay rates close to 400% for a $100 loan.
Please feel free to visit my website and view these articles that you may find of interest:
GoUpstate - Senator Hawkins fears death of Payday Lender Bill

The State - Payday Lending Clock Ticking
Editorial by Joel Lourie and Chris Hart

This week is most critical on another issue
I have been interested in for years. Recently, the Senate passed a 50 cents increase in our cigarette tax. Currently, at 7 cents per pack, we have the lowest cigarette tax in the nation. I am a strong and outspoken supporter of this initiative and now we are waiting to see what the House of Representatives will do. If you have friends in the House, now is the time for them to hear from you on an issue that affects the health and well being
of thousands of South Carolinians.

Finally and most importantly, my good friend (and deskmate in the House for six years), Rep. James Smith has returned home after serving our country for 15 months in Afghanistan http://www.thestate.com/sc-at-war/story/406593.html I admire and respect him and his family so much for their sacrifice and I am thankful for his safe return. Please keep all of our soldiers and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for taking time to read this brief update.
Joel Lourie

Now, read my response to him.-

I could really give a damn about the payday lender bullcrap, which by the way, was caused by politicians like yourself accepting money from their organizations. My concern is for the citizens of South Carolina and when you compare illegal alien invaders in this state (500,000 by the way) to the payday lenders it is like comparing a mountain to a molehill. You are one of the 26 State Senators that I just filed legal paperwork against for refusing to vote for the people on Bill 3032. Rest assured that I will see you in court and all 26 of you will be defendants for refusing to stand up for South Carolina's workers. My industry, construction, is over run with 75% illegal aliens and their criminal employers and I am sick and tired of it. I am sick and tired of having to worry about putting food on my family's table. I am sick and tired of being treated like a second class citizen, except when it comes to election time where my vote is required to keep useless politicians in office. And there are hundreds of thousands of South Carolinians that feel exactly like I do.
So do whatever you damn well want, pretend like payday lenders is your top concern, and damn the people of this great state in the process, our vote, come June and November is going to be to the people that will stand up for us and not criminals and illegal alien invaders. The first time that you see me is going to be in a court room, and you and your useless 26 compadres are going to be the defendants. So forget the payday lenders for right now because there are more important things for you to keep your mind on at the present time. If you are wondering who I am just google my name.
One more thing by the way, I am going to put your update and my response to it all over the internet with your email address included, so the people of South Carolina can give you a piece of their minds also. Maybe you will sit up and take notice then about the real concerns of the people of this great state.

Senator Lourie' email address is info@joellourie.com.