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    Senior Member Ratbstard's Avatar
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    Los Angeles Mayor Slams Mitt Romney on Immigration
    By Mosheh Gain
    Feb 9, 2012 8:15am

    Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa pounced on Mitt Romney’s immigration stance Wednesday night before a crowd of Washington, D.C., lawmakers and officials honoring the mayor for his public service.

    “For the first time in modern memory, a major political party is poised to nominate a presidential candidate who has abandoned immigration reform and instead advocates self-deportation,” he said.

    Villaraigosa, who was presented with the 2012 Edward R. Roybal Award for Outstanding Public Service by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, didn’t mention Romney by name, but called out the GOP front-runner for rejecting past bipartisan efforts on immigration reform.

    “Democrats and Republicans have recognized that our immigration system is broken and that it needs to be fixed. Now they haven’t always agreed on the route but they’ve agreed on the destination. He added, “Unfortunately, now the likely Republican nominee for president has clearly rejected this rough consensus.”

    As immigration reform continues to be a hot-button issue on and off the campaign trail, Villaraigosa reminded the crowd that the country was built by immigrants.

    “We know that the reason we came here was because this was the place that embraced us. This was the place that said, ‘If you work hard, and you play by the rules and believe in this great country, you will be rewarded.’ We love that America,” the California-born Democrat said.

    Villaraigosa, 59, also used the stage to call for the passage of the DREAM Act and the payroll-tax cut. While honored that he was awarded for his public service, he noted that there was still much work to do.

    “We can’t let every proposal for a path to citizenship be drowned out by a knee-jerk chorus of opposition,” he said. “We can’t be a country where ‘show me your papers’ is routinely heard on our sidewalks and in our streets.”

    Romney wasn’t the only person taken to task on immigration. Villaraigos also called on the White House for action. “I’m going to work hard to re-elect President Obama, but then I’m going to be real clear there are only two terms, not three,” he said. “We’ve got to get comprehensive immigration reform in the second term.”
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    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Last edited by HAPPY2BME; 02-09-2012 at 10:27 AM.
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    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Antonio Villaraigosa, Chair of MEChA (student wing of Aztlan movement) at UCLA, former CA assemblymember, former CA Assembly speaker, currently Los Angeles City Councilman at Southwest Voter Registration Project Conference in Los Angeles, 6/1997

    "Part of today's reality has been propositions like 187 (to deny public benefits to illegal aliens, 1994), propositions like 209 (to abolish affirmative action, 1996), the welfare reform bill, which targeted legal immigrants and targeted us as a community. That's been the midnight. We know that the sunny side of midnight has been the election of a Latino speaker - was the election of Loretta Sanchez, against an arch-conservative, reactionary hate-mongering politician like Congressman Dornan! Today in California in the legislature, we're engaged in a great debate, where not only were we talking about denying education to the children of undocumented workers, but now we're talking about whether or not we should provide prenatal care to undocumented mothers. It's not enough to elect Latino leadership. If they're supporting legislation that denies the undocumented driver's licenses, they don't belong in office, friends. They don't belong here. If they can't stand up and say, 'You know what? I'm not ever going to support a policy that denies prenatal care to the children of undocumented mothers', they don't belong here."
    Click here to download this audio clip.

    Gloria Molina, one of the five in Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors at Southwest Voter Registration Project Conference, 6/1996
    "This community is no longer going to stand for it. Because tonight we are organizing across this country in a single mission, in a plan. We are going to organize like we've never organized before. We are going to go into our neighborhoods. We are going to register voters. We are going to talk to all of those young people that need to become registered voters and go out to vote and we're are politicizing every single one of those new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country. And what we are saying is by November we will have one million additional Latino voters in this country, and we're gonna march, and our vote is going to be important. But I gotta tell you, there's a lot of people that are saying, 'I'm gonna go out there and vote because I want to pay them back!' And this November we are going to remember those that stood with us and we are also going to remember those that have stood against us on the issues of immigration, on the issues of education, on the issues of health care, on the issues of the minimum wage."
    Click here to download this audio clip.

    Vicky Castro, former member of Los Angeles Board of Education at Southwest Voter Registration Project Conference, 6/1996
    "Que viva la raza, que viva la raza (long live our race)! I'm here to welcome all the new voters of 18 years old that we're registering now in our schools. Welcome, you're going to make a difference for Los Angeles, for San Antonio, for New York, and I thank Southwest for taking that challenge. And to the Mechistas (MEChA students) across this nation, you're going to make that difference for us, too. But when we register one more million voters I will not be the only Latina on the Board of Education of Los Angeles. And let me tell you here, no one will dismantle bilingual education in the United States of America. No one will deny an education to any child, especially Latino children. As you know, in Los Angeles we make up 70% of this school district. Of 600,000 -- 400,000 are Latinos, and our parents are not heard and they're going to be heard because in Los Angeles, San Antonio and Texas we have just classified 53,000 new citizens in one year that are going to be felt in November!"

    Click here to download this audio clip.

    Ruben Zacarias, former superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District at Southwest Voter Registration Project Conference, 6/1997
    "We have 27 centers now throughout LAUSD. Every one of them has trained people, clerks to take the fingerprints. Each one has the camera, that special camera. We have the application forms. And I'll tell you what we've done with I.N.S. Now we're even doing the testing that usually people had to go to INS to take, and pretty soon, hopefully, we'll do the final interviews in our schools. Incidentally, I started this very quietly because there are those that if they knew that we were creating a whole new cadre of brand new citizens it would have tremendous political impact. We will change the political panorama not only of L.A., but L.A. County and the State. And we do that we've changed the panorama of the nation. I'm proud to stand here and tell you that in those close to three years we have processed a little over 78,000 brand new citizens. That is the largest citizenship program in the entire nation."

    Click here to download this audio clip.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member SicNTiredInSoCal's Avatar
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    Mexico's Maternity Ward :(
    Quote Originally Posted by HAPPY2BME View Post
    Interesting you posted this. I went to the link and Thomas Chittums "Civil War 2" book was brought up. The book is now out of print, but with a lot of hunting, I was able to find it online. Just last night I was reading about his predictions for the reconquista. The book was written in the 90's and very much of what he predicted has come to pass already. Here it is in part:

    The Reconquista Checklist

    Watch for the following developments that constitute a checklist of events that will unfold as we edge closer to the abyss of Civil War II in the southwest:

    Item 1: A requirement by any local or state government that its employees must be fluent in Spanish.

    Item 2: A lack of requirement by any local or state government that its employees must be fluent in English.

    Item 3: The adoption of policies by school boards that Spanish classes be mandatory or that instruction in English be optional.

    Item 4: The demand by a Mexican political party or a major politician that the southwest of the United States be returned to Mexican sovereignty.

    Item 5: The formation of an Hispanic-based political party in America.

    Item 6: The increasing display by many Mexican-Americans of nationalistic symbols such as the Mexican flag, in much the same manner that many African-Americans now commonly wear Malcolm X hats.

    Item 7: The emergence of a revolutionary guerrilla movement in Mexico.

    Item 8: The overthrow of the Mexican establishment, either by an election, coup d'etat, or revolution, that brings an ultra-nationalistic government to power, either right- wing or leftwing.

    Item 9: A general economic collapse in Mexico followed by a massive surge of illegal aliens into America.

    Item 10: The expansion of the Border Patrol or its conversion into a military force equipped with heavy weapons.

    Item 11: The massing of American military units near the border, or the involvement of our federal military in border control.

    Item 12: The massing of Mexican Army units along the border.

    Item 13: The public refusal by a police department controlled by Hispanics to enforce
    immigration laws, for individual Hispanic policemen to refuse to enforce these laws, or for
    any association of Hispanic law enforcement officers to equivocate about these laws. Also
    watch for the first instance of an Hispanic-American law enforcement officer who can not
    speak English.

    Item 14: Any cross-border raid by Mexican revolutionary guerrillas into America, however
    small. This will breach an important psychological barrier and lead to more such

    Item 15: The common occurrence in America of urban riots by Mexicans or Mexican-
    Americans as riots by African Americans are now common.

    Item 16: The formation of Hispanic militias in the southwest.

    Item 17: The recognition of dual citizenship by the Mexican government for Chicanes and
    for Mexican immigrants who become citizens of America. The Mexican government will
    use this concept of dual citizenship to involve itself in internal American affairs such as
    promoting racist affirmative action for Hispanics, influencing American elections, and
    interfering in matters concerning control of our borders.

    Item 18: Watch for Mexican-Americans claiming legal rights to land currently owned by
    Angles, claims based on the old Spanish royal land grants. When Mexico was a colony of
    Spain, Spanish kings granted large tracks of land to their Spanish and Mexican subjects in
    what is now the American southwest. The Mexican government continued legal
    recognition of these grants after Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821. After
    our war of aggression against Mexico, the southwest was surrendered to us by the Treaty
    of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. Under the provisions of this treaty, the United States was to
    respect these land grants. We didn't. We Angles stole most of it straightaway. As soon as
    the Hispanics control the legal and law enforcement machinery in the southwest, they will
    steal it back, straightaway, every last square foot of it, probably under color of law, but by
    leveled rifles if they are impatient. This cycle of land stealing illustrates as well as you
    please how the real world works: (A) The Spanish immigrants stole the land from the
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  5. #5
    Senior Member SicNTiredInSoCal's Avatar
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    Indians by genocide. (B) The Spanish immigrants redefined themselves as Mexicans,
    revolted and stole the entire country from the Spanish Crown. (C) The Angles stole the
    land from the Mexicans by wars of secession and aggression. (D) The Mexicans and
    Mexican-Americans will steal the land back, either by direct force in Civil War II, or under
    color of law backed by the police force of the state.

    Item 19: Watch for the appearance of third-world slums in American cities. They will
    almost certainly appear first in the sprawling urban barrio centered in East Los Angeles, or
    the dismal Hispanic agricultural towns near Fresno, California, or adjacent to border towns
    like El Paso. They will be straight out of Mexico City, built of cinder blocks, plywood, tin
    and even cardboard, with illegal and dangerous pirate electrical hookups and no sewer
    hookups (The New York Times, March 27,1988, Sect. I, p. 1. The New York Times, Jan.
    3,1989, Sect. I, p. 12. The New York Times, April 2, 1995, Business Section, p. 1. The
    New York Times, Jwe 20, 1995, Sect. D, p. 8.). Any attempts to evict them will bring
    accusations of racism, and will spark riots.

    Item 20: Watch for border incidents involving exchanges of gunfire between Mexican
    police and/or military on one side and American police and/or military on the other side.
    One such incident was reported in the New York Times. On Aug. 10, 1995, a U.S. Border
    Patrol officer on the American side of the border was shot in the back by one of two
    Mexican (Nogales City) police officers on the Mexican side, who then crossed over the
    border onto American soil and continued firing at the American patrolman and his partner,
    neither of whom fired back. According to the the New York Times the border is now an
    area of "low-level conflict," (The New York Times, Aug. 20, 1995, p. 5.) so expect an
    escalation of such shooting incidents in the future.

    Item 21: Watch for a general exodus of working-class whites out of the southwest,
    especially the border area, and increasing mention of this flight in the establishment press.
    This will be accompanied by a downward spiral and even a collapse in real estate prices in
    the southwest.

    Item 22: Watch for all manner of violent and disruptive incidents in Mexico—Derailments
    and looting of trains; hijacking of trucks; seizure of the Haciendas of the wealthy;
    massacres of peasants; mutiny in the army; occupation of factories and government
    offices by workers; soldiers and police firing on protesters; units of the security forces
    engaging each other in firelights; formation of private security armies; bank robberies and
    ransom kidnappings of the wealthy by revolutionaries; food riots; all manner of sabotage;
    show trials followed by public executions; corpses dumped along roads; a general exodus
    of the wealthy to Europe and America; another and even more serious collapse of the
    peso and a massive flight of capital; a collapse of the stock market and the economy in
    general; the removal of the seat of government from Mexico City; the storming of the
    Presidential Palace by a mob; the resignation and exile of the President; the seizure of
    Mexico City by a revolutionary body.
    This concludes the checklist for Civil War II in the southwest. Some items of this checklist,
    such as the establishment of a rural guerrilla movement in Mexico, have already occurred
    to one degree or another. I leave it to the skeptical to check off the others, one by one.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member SicNTiredInSoCal's Avatar
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    Mexico's Maternity Ward :(
    Sorry the sentences are a bit disconnected. I don't have time to put them all together in a more easily readable format. To say the least, the book is a bit chilling as many of these things we have already seen happen. A few years ago it would have been an outrageous, not so much.

    I wish the book would start being printed again. It's selling online for about $80-$100 and I don't know of anyone who can afford that now. If it was more reasonable, I'd buy several copies and give them away, but I felt lucky to find it online and download the PDF before it gets pulled. If anyone wants me to forward it to you PM me with your email address.
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