Lott is wrong on immigration

http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps ... /706160339

The immigration bill recently before the Senate would legalize 12-20 million illegals in our country and change our way of life forever, allowing even more immigration in the future. The bill was recently taken off the floor but some politicians are fighting to get it back on the floor. As a whole, people in our state are against the bill. Why then is Sen. Trent Lott fighting so hard FOR the bill?

Demand that our public servants do what's right for our country. We don't need "comprehensive" reform; we need incremental reform.

We must enforce present laws and secure our border first. Why would anyone object to this unless they wanted more illegals in our country? If the government can prove to the American people they have succeeded with these two issues, I think the American people would be more receptive to SOME amnesty with enforceable regulations.

The regulations in the current bill will not be funded and will be impossible to enforce.

Don't let proponents fool you. It will open the border with little additional enforcement.

Trent Lott is telling people in Washington that the Mississippi people are in favor of this bill.

Just because we are against massive deportation (which would be impossible) does not mean we want the borders open and a free pass for criminals. Let Sen. Lott know how you feel about the bill and about his going against the people's wishes.

P.S. Thanks Gene Taylor. Would you run for Lott's seat?

Sarah Kelly
