Did any of you see the broken borders segment tonight on the video from Mexico ? here is the trascript of that part of the program:

PILGRIM: Tonight in Mexico a shocking act of violence caught on videotape and new concerns about widespread corruption inside the Mexican armed forces.

Casey Wian reports.


CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It looks like a video shot by hostage taking terrorists in Iraq, but apparently this is the work of rogue law enforcement officers just across our border in Mexico.

These four men, badly bloodied and bruised, sit handcuffed and tell interrogator how they served as hit men for the Zadas (ph). They're the group of former Mexican military commandos who defected to work for the gulf drug cartel.

Zadas (ph) are believed to be responsible for dozens of killings in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, even some across the border in Texas. This man talked in detail about the killings of a Mexican police chief and a well-known journalist. Others spoke of their alliances with Mexican law enforcement.

The men appear terrified, often looking off camera at their captors. At the end of the DVD video, a pistol appears. One hit man is shot in the head.

The video was sent anonymously to a small newspaper in Washington state, which passed it on to the "Dallas Morning News" and the FBI. Law enforcement sources in the United States and Mexico say they've been aware of the video for months, but only after it became public this week did Mexican authorities arrest 11 federal agents on charges of murder and kidnapping.

JOSE LUIS VASCONCELOS, MEXICAN ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL (through translator): We are able to determine the participation of some investigative federal agents in what we originally thought was a kidnapping.

WIAN: Vasconcelos says the video is an effort to discredit Mexico's efforts to fight violent drug gangs.

Meanwhile, Mexican President Vicente Fox appeared in a news conference today, but Mexican journalists failed to ask him about the video or the arrests of Mexican federal agents.


WIAN: Now that the video is public, law enforcement officers on both sides of the border are preparing for a possible new round of violence. Many suspect the video is part of a dispute between rival drug gangs that is now likely to escalate -- Kitty. PILGRIM: Thanks very much, Casey Wian. Thanks, Casey.

Well, tonight border officials are reporting great success in a year-old program to check the fingerprints of anyone caught trying to cross our border illegally. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection says the program has led to the arrests of more than 152,000 people, and they include 750 people wanted to sexual assault, 600 suspected murders.

Now, just this week, officials say a fingerprint match helped them catch a wanted member of the violent Central American gang MS-13.

Separately tonight, immigration officials say they arrested 42 illegal aliens hired by subcontractors at sensitive work sites. Twenty illegal aliens were found working in New Orleans, including at the veterans hospital and at the airport.

And in New Mexico, 22 Mexican nationals were busted while working at the Kirkland Air Force Base.

Well, immigration reform is just one of the issues dogging President Bush in his second term. According to a recent CNN/"USA Today"/Gallup poll, the president's approval ratings on immigration, federal spending, the economy, the war in Iraq, all below 40 percent.

Joining me now is former adviser to four presidents, David Gergen.
