Buchanan: Don't force amnesty on Americans
Thursday, January 19, 2006; Posted: 7:15 p.m. EST (00:15 GMT)

Team America

Lou Dobbs
Bay Buchanan
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Manage Alerts | What Is This? (CNN) -- Republicans supporting tough border security legislation are stepping up their attacks on the Bush administration's guest worker proposals. These Republicans fear that senators tied to big business interests will succeed in their efforts to make guest worker provisions into law.

Bay Buchanan and members of her Team America political action committee are planning to take action. She joined CNN's Lou Dobbs on Wednesday night to discuss her position.

DOBBS: Let me ask you, what are you so concerned about in the Senate? It is a deliberative body, a gentlemanly, in really all respects, process. You're not suggesting that they would be in any way be duplicitous or underhanded in their dealings on this issue?

BUCHANAN: Unfortunately I'm suggesting exactly that, Lou. You know, that Senate -- the Republicans in the Senate know well, just as the Republicans in the House did, that the American people are very opposed to any amnesty whatsoever.

They want their borders secure, they want their laws enforced. It's very simple. And yet right now, we have the U.S. Senate looking in February to take this enforcement bill, sell it as an enforcement bill, and slip what they call a guest worker program on it.

The reason they call it "guest worker" is because they know it's amnesty, but they know the American people know what amnesty is and they're opposed. So they just call it by another name. That is duplicitous. It is nothing but amnesty.

They are going to force it on the American people. And the reason they are going to do it, go against the will of the American people, is because their corporate friends are desperate for this. And that is what's wrong.

Lou, this is a terrible, terrible thing we're looking at, and unless Americans get involved and start calling their U.S. senators, especially the Republicans, we're going to be facing amnesty for 15 million immigrants in this country, and expect a lot more coming over that border.

DOBBS: But the House of Representatives has passed legislation that calls for border security, enhanced border security. Congressman Duncan Hunter, chairman the Armed Services Committee, putting forward a fence bill -- provide a fence for at least 700 miles of our 2,000-mile border with Mexico. There's such strength here. You're suggesting that the Senate would work against the will of the American people? Bay, I am shocked!

BUCHANAN: Lou, we both know exactly what they're up to. They have to make a decision. Who are they beholden to most? The American people or their corporate clones? Their corporate friends, those guys who are financing their big campaigns.

This is indeed the culture of corruption. And if they know, and we all do know, the Americans do not want amnesty, do not want guest workers. They want a secure border and the laws enforced. They cannot go against that and that's what Americans have to [do] -- start getting on the phone and stop it, Lou.

DOBBS: Bay, I want to ask you a quick question. We're out of time. You just heard Father Ryscavage, and the issues with the Catholic Church and support of illegal immigration, opposition to border security. What is your reaction?

BUCHANAN: Well, it's outrageous. We have a nation here and we have laws. And you have to obey them and I have to or we're prosecuted. It's very simple. Corporations should be required to also keep the laws of the land or they should be enforced against them.

What the Catholic Church is suggesting is some people can break the laws, it's OK. It's OK for corporate America to illegally hire cheap labor and to undercut Americans. That's all OK and they want us to give them amnesty after they do so. That is not the position of Americans across this country.

DOBBS: Is it your sense that Americans had a belly full, Bay?

BUCHANAN: Oh, there's no question. It is the hottest issue in this country but the key is, it's kind of quiet right now and I believe the U.S. Senate's going to try to slip this little thing right through and we're going to wake up one day in February and say, "My gosh, 15 million illegals. All of our efforts gone out the window." Americans have to get involved, Lou.

DOBBS: Bay, thank you very much for being here. Bay Buchanan, the chairman of Team America political action committee. Thanks for talking to us.
http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/01/19/bay.bu ... index.html