Lou Dobbs Discusses ‘Anchor Babies’ With Megyn Kelly, But Defends 14th Amendment

Fox's Megyn Kelly & Lou Dobbs
by Colby Hall

VIDEO: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/lou-dobbs-di ... mmendment/

A lot hay has been made by cable pundits and right of center politician of late, regarding the issue of the 14th Amendment, which essential claims that any child born in the United States is automatically a naturalized citizen, regardless of the immigration status of their parents. Recently Senators Lindsey Graham and John Kyl have considered eliminating birthright citizenship, which is the exact sort of controversy custom-made for cable news programming! Et VoilÃ* – today Fox News host Megyn Kelly and Lou Dobbs discussed this very issue!

When he had his 7PM program on CNN, Dobbs was such a vocal critic of an ineffective illegal immigration, that some even criticized his rhetoric and passion as “jingoistic.â€