Lou Dobbs 4/25/05-Broken Borders - A Surveyor’s Mistake

Excellent show, don’t miss it on CNN tonight.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss explains his alternative legislation to the Ag Jobs Bill, which would grant legal status to 1 million illegal farm workers.

Lou also shows film of the demonstrations by million of Mexican citizens in Mexico City over the weekend protesting the upcoming presedential elections rife with corruption.

Speaking about Mexico’s recent efforts to induce its citizens to particular crossing points to enter our country illegally, one Mexican official stated that the border was merely a “surveyor’s mistake� and they do not acknowledge it.

Read the transcript here:

Lou Dobbs Poll - TAKE the poll!!!

Do you believe the United States should hold Mexico responsible for its citizens illegally crossing the border?

Yes 95% 2164 votes
No 5% 117 votes
Total: 2281 votes

Take our "Broken Borders" quiz.

Just below the poll is a link for a quiz about immigration. It’s very informative, you’ll be surprised how many you get wrong. Only ten questions and fun. Try it!


"There can be no 50/50 Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else."

-Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Speech, July 19, 1918