Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, November 21, 2008

*Tonight, we will have the latest details on
President-elect Obama’s path to power. Will Senator Hillary
Clinton be the country’s next Secretary of State? We will have
that story and much more.

*Plus, Mexican authorities have taken their former drug
czar into custody for alleged links to heavily armed killers
also known as narco-terroritsts. The drug czar, whose job was
to combat organized crime, is accused of passing information to
these violent drug cartels. We’ll have all the details in
tonight’s special report.

Dom Giordano will pinch-hit for Lou on Friday, when guests
include Senator
BYRON DORGAN. The North Dakota Democrat will discuss what it
will take for the Senate to sign off on a bailout package for
Detroit, and what restrictions will likely be attached.

For former Michigan Governor JAMES BLANCHARD, 2008 feels a lot
like 1979 the year of the $1.5 billion Chrysler Loan Guarantee
Act. So is history repeating itself? And what does yesterday
tell us about today? Blanchard will explain.

And DAVID ARKUSH, the director of Public Citizen’s Congress
Watch, will talk about something called the “New Member Debt
Retirement Reception,â€