Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday August 1, 2008

Tonight, the House of Representatives voted 407-2 to extend the
E-Verify program for five years. The federal system is used by
employers to ensure that job applicants are legally eligible to
work in the United States.

We’ll have that story, and an update on the staggering
stupidity of the FDA, which refuses to even acknowledge that it
made any mistakes in allowing 40,000 Americans to get
salmonella poisoning. (The FDA is now facing a lawsuit for its
mind-blowing incompetence.) Plus:

* The House Financial Committee is close to sending the Credit
Card Bill of Rights to the full House of Representatives. This
bill attempts to stop some of the abusive practices the credit
cards employ to swindle ordinary Americans: practices like due
date gimmicks that trick people into paying late and getting
hit with retroactive rate increases, penalty interest rates,
late fees and finance charges.

* The United States has lost 2.3 million jobs to China since
2001, according to a new study by the Economic Policy
Institute. Adding salt to that wound: the small number of jobs
that have replaced the ones shipped overseas pay less than the
ones we lost.

* Congress has accomplished something in this week leading up
to its August recess. President Bush signed a major housing
bill. A product safety bill was sent to the White House. But
overall, this Congress has still accomplished very, very
little, least of all on the critical issues of immigration and

* A high-ranking official in Mexico’s attorney general’s office
has resigned due to poor results in President Calderon’s
crackdown on the drug cartels. More than 2,300 Mexicans have
died in organized crime-related violence in the past seven

Lou’s new radio program, the Lou Dobbs Show, debuted in March.
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