Lou Dobbs Tonight
Thursday, February 28, 2008

In a statement today, President Bush pushed aggressively for
Congress to pass his preferred version of a surveillance bill.
We’ll have the latest from the White House and all the news
from the campaign trail.

Indiana’s state senate passed a bill yesterday to revoke a
business’s license after being caught three times for knowingly
hiring illegal aliens. Kansas has bills in the works to make
E-verify mandatory and require police to check the citizenship
status of anyone arrested.

And Texas has two referendums dealing with illegal immigration
on the primary ballot next week. More, tonight, on states’
latest efforts to enforce immigration laws where the federal
government is failing.

Electronic voting issues continue to put our democracy at risk.
The latest e-voting problems are causing concern in Texas and
Ohio where primaries are set to take place in less than a week.
Join us for the latest details.

And Border Patrol Agents continue to be at risk on our Southern
border. In the latest incident, a Border Patrol Agent
responding to a smuggling operation near Calexico, California
was pelted with rocks by illegal immigrants whose car got stuck
while fleeing the scene. That story, tonight.

Lou’s new book INDEPENDENTS DAY is now on sale in bookstores
and on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. In Independents Day,
Lou issues a rallying cry to American citizens eager for a
change, focusing particularly on the critical issues and
challenges of the 2008 election.

Visit http://cnn.com/loudobbstonight for more on
tonight's show. You'll also find Lou's past commentaries, our
weekly news quiz and more.