In interview granted to Univisión, Gutiérrez emphasized that as opposed to the Senate, where reform has been discussed without success two times, in the House of Representatives the debate on immigration reform has never been debated and immigration reform can start there.

Nevertheless, he expressed that it is required that president Obama contribute his leadership and define his position on the issue, a requisite that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has presented to Gutiérrez, "because it should be known where is the president in this issue".

The votes exist, he emphasized, what does not exist is the space and the political will to enumerate those votes onto the screen. "Therefore the key question is if Obama is willing to stop the raids., he can do it, I don't have doubt that he can do it".

The congressman said that in the interview that he expects to have with the president he will ask him to speak "clear and eloquent" on the issue.

"We are going to say to him that we find it anti-american and immoral that with the power of the government, families are being destroyed. That it is a contradiction to say that you want to help the people and on the other hand utilize the instruments of government to deny them legalization that you say to want to give. He cannot have it both ways", he affirmed.

For Gutiérrez, the issue of immigration reform should be undertaken before September, since it would be too late for the issue to be discussed in both the House and the Senate before the legislative recess, for which the month of June is suitable to initiate the debate.