This is a full assault on Native Californians. Everything for the advancement of one particular ethnic group the Latino Youth. Legal or illegal it makes no difference as long as they are Latino.

As grandparents we have had to watch as our children fight for their education. We have watched as the taxes we pay for our children's education has been syphoned off for programs benefiting illegal aliens.

We watched as California's once great education system has deterioiated due to the invasion of illegal aliens and their anchor babies.

We fought back, we voted to stop this invasion of our schools by illegals, only to be overuled by courts.

They claim they are entitled to our schools, too instate-tuition, they pay taxes. If that was the case, if they actually did pay their fair share of taxes then California's school's would not be in the crisis they are in.

So now they want to advance the Latino Youth. Do they expect the parents of these youths to pay for it. No, they want to repeal Prop 13. This means that Californians that have lived in their homes since 1978 would have to pay for it.

Legal American citizens, our senior citizens that worry about their grandchildren. Senior citizens that worry about Social Security and Medicare cuts, but at least know their homes are paid for and can console theirselves that at least they won't have to pay high property taxes. These are the people that LULAC wants too take on the burden of advancing their youth.

Everything for the LaRaza, down with any other ethnic student. Down with the Senior Californians. It is payback for the generation of Californians that voted to stop this invasion.