Lone Protester- In a World of Political Spin


I realize there is a lot of anger out there, all over America, for our politicians because of what we see as their betrayal of American values. Our anger stems from their willingness to forget what we sent them to Washington for. And that was to represent American citizens and not themselves and special interest groups. But when they get to Washington they enter another world, they arrive at this place that is so far from reality that it isn’t funny. But talking about this anger that we feel at our politicians, the people of the great state of South Carolina deserves special recognition. Why? Because we have one of the Gang of 14 that represents us in the US Senate. We actually have a Benedict Arnold representing us.

My wife went to get our mail a while ago and she brought me this advertisement. From my Senator, the guy that is supposed to be looking out for me and other South Carolinians in his elected office. Lindsey Graham. There is a picture of him on front, looking real stern, like he takes care of the citizens of his state, as if he is silently saying, vote for me because I am a conservative just like you. Vote for me so I can continue to force my policies down your throats. The caption reads, “In a world of political spin, isn’t it nice to have a Senator who is willing to speak his mind?â€