Will you visit Florida?

Make sure you’ve got your papers:

Marissa Graciosa

Reform Immigration FOR America

April 27, 2011

Millions of people vacation in Florida every year – and soon, they might have to start carrying their papers around.
Florida lawmakers want to enact an Arizona-style racial profiling bill in the Sunshine State. They want to subject tourists, visitors, convention-goers, citizens and guests to random harassment based on the color of their skin.

Florida thrives on its tourism industry – but you can pledge not to spend your vacation there. Arizona has already lost millions in tourism thanks to its racial profiling law1, and lawmakers there are taking notice2.

Take the pledge not to visit a Florida that uses racial profiling.

It’s time to send a message they will understand – with our wallets and pocketbooks.

Thank you,

Marissa Graciosa

Reform Immigration FOR America