Fairness in Greeley: The Tribune lets Governor Lamm speak

Posted By Patrick Cleburne On 15 September 2008 @ 12:04

I have been negative on the Greeley Tribune’s coverage of the Beef Packer/Somali confrontation, disliking the newspaper’s apparent repression of the news of Somali violence at the plant, and doubting that the Publisher comprehends the issue

So it is only fair to note that on Friday, balanced against a wooden pro-immigration essay by Clinton Cabinet Affirmative Action Hispanic Frederico Pena the Tribune ran a fine piece by former Governor Richard Lamm

Illegal immigrants are ‘cheap labor’ for some, costly to rest Friday, September 12, 2008: http://www.greeleytribune.com/article/2 ... ofile=1025

Lamm really understands the issues

[b]It is easy to see why illegal immigrants are attractive to employers. These are generally good, hardworking people who will quietly accept minimum wage (or below), don’t generally get health or other benefits, and if they complain they can be easily fired. For some employers it is an abused form of labor. Even minimum wage is attractive to workers from countries whose standard of living is a fraction of ours.

But that is not to say it is “cheap labor.â€