We need to send this out to every media outlet to expose who the Open border activists are DEFYING local governments and health officials by having a May Day march for amnesty!

To them, pressuring our Congress is more important than the health safety of our citizens!!!

This will bring on more backlash than the Mexican waving illegal aliens.

[quote]Press Release
For Immediate Release Press Conference
Attention: News Assignment Thursday, April 30 11:00 am Haymarket Memorial
Randolph & Desplaines St.
Chicago IL

Media Contact:
Jorge Mujica (773) 852-8815
Chris Mahin (773) 726-1284

May Day organizers defy city pressures to cancel May Day march amidst fears of influenza outbreak.

Immigrants and workers, joined together with their supporters, call to go forward with march on May Day for equality, labor rights, legalization and just immigration laws.

CHICAGO – Using the fear surrounding the swine flu outbreak, anti-immigrant groups, including those in city government, call for a cancellation of the workers' and immigrants' rights demonstration. Immigrants and workers resolve to hold fast and rally with the slogan “without legalization there can be no equal labor rightsâ€