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We need leadership, not compromise
By Mason Weaver

6/12/2006 4:07:24 AM

“We the People” have heard the President’s speech on Immigration and our National Security. We still do not think he gets it. First Mr. President, “We the People,” do not think the office of the President is a Diplomatic assignment. We want leadership not compromise. If we wanted an endless search for common ground we would petition the United Nations to secure our borders. Stop trying to find a compromise and start leading your nation.

We want secure borders not security border watchers dressed in National Guard uniforms. The National Guard should have the authority “over” the Border Patrol, not just backup but follow up. If you do not have the stomach for that then assign the National Guard units to the Border Patrol and make them official Border Patrol Officers. Issue an Executive order giving priority in hiring to any Iraq War veteran that wants to join the Border Patrol. Put the Vets on the Border. “We the People” do not want government law enforcement officers of any kind “observing” illegal border crossing and having no power to stop it.

The second thing “We the People” would like to suggest is that you stop sharing your Presidential office with Mexican President Fox. “We the People” did not elect Fox nor do we care if he approves of your actions. Unless there is a pending national emergency, El Presidente should have had his call to you forwarded to the US Embassy in Mexico City.

Now to our last point Mr. President, “We the People” think it is racist to claim a State for one race “La Raza” so why are you compromising with the racist? We think it is an insult for guest and visitors to stand on our soil and proclaim it for another nation. How can you have a decent conversation with anyone who does not recognize our sovereignty? How do the Apache or Navajo nations feel when they hear you are speaking to other Indians claiming the land they have occupied? If you want to be a diplomat run for Secretary General of the United Nations and let’s get a real

President of the United States.

Stop insulting the intelligence of “We the People” and do our bidding. This is gut-check time Mr. President. We know others will not like your strong actions. “We the People” are ready for the marches in our streets. We will stand with you if you stand for us! While people world wide call you the Leader of the Free World, it is only a title reflecting the power and influence of “We the People.” Do not let there praises go to your head. You are the President of the United States and have been authorized by “We the People.”