by Kat McConnell
McCain: Foot Soldier in New World Order
April 15, 2008 10:00 AM EST ... 8#comments

If ever there were any doubts about John McCain's globalist credentials or his ambitions for a 'New World Order,' they were shattered by his speech to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council on March 26, 2008 [1]. One might suspect McCain, feeling ignored by the main stream media due to the ongoing Obama-Clinton spectacle, was attempting to vie for the attention of prospective Democrat and Independent voters. While his speech likely made the left swoon, conservatives, red-blooded patriots, and independent-minded Americans who love this country and its Constitution, felt cold chills go up and down their spines.

Since the stinging defeat of the McCain-Kennedy comprehensive ‘amnesty’ bill, Senator McCain has begrudgingly paid lip service on the campaign trail to Americans concerned about illegal immigration. Chanting his new mantra that “he gets itâ€