Answering Felipe Calderon: McClintock and Tancredo speak

You’ll be glad to know that not all elected officials are willing to allow a foreign leader to land on American soil and trash our nation’s immigration laws and the character of its citizens.

You won’t hear President Bush stand up to Mexican president Felipe Calderon. As I’ve been reporting, they’ve been quietly hashing out the $1.4 billion Mexican stimulus/border security package known as the Merida Initiative. With virtual silence from Congress.

Two Republicans did speak up during Calderon’s tour of the U.S. this week.

Tom McClintock, the staunch California GOP legislator, had this reaction when Calderon spoke to the California legislature:

Unlike two years ago, when about a half-dozen Republican lawmakers boycotted Mexican President Vicente Fox’s speech to the Legislature in a protest over illegal immigration, Calderon was warmly received.

But after the speech, Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock of Thousand Oaks said it was “inappropriateâ€