I am SO PROUD to have Patrick McHenry serving my district!

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McHenry wants more action
10th District representative praises Bush's plan to secure borders, but denounces guest-worker program.

Record Staff Writer
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

HICKORY -- U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry agrees with many fellow Republicans.

He praises President Bush’s plan to secure the nation’s borders with National Guard troops - but pushes for more action.

He also firmly denounces Bush for his guest-worker program.
“Illegal immigration threatens our national security and strains our healthcare facilities, schools and social services,” McHenry said in a statement. “I am encouraged by his plan to increase our security by positioning National Guard troops on the border. This will provide essential - but temporary - security along our porous and vulnerable borders.”

McHenry favors a comprehensive border security program by constructing fences, bolstering border patrol and improving surveillance capabilities.

McHenry called the guest-worker program as “nothing more than amnesty wearing make-up.”

“The simple truth is that if you break the law to come to this country, you will not respect it once you’re here,” McHenry said.

Other Republicans expressed similar concerns.

“Thinly veiled attempts to promote amnesty cannot be tolerated,” said Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga. “While America is a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws, and rewarding those who break our laws not only dishonors the hard work of those who came here legally, but does nothing to fix our current situation.”

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

amackie@hickoryrecord.com | 322-4510 x5407 or 304-6914