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Mayoral race counts down, but apathy may be a player
By Rick Orlov, Staff Writer
Updated: 01/25/2009 11:57:25 PM PST

What a difference four years makes.

In 2005, incumbent Mayor James Hahn was facing a field of 11 challengers - featuring several prominent names, including the man who would defeat him, then-City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa.

There were more than two dozen forums and debates across the city before a variety of groups, including several that were televised live.

The primary election ballot also featured former Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg, Councilman Bernard Parks and then-state Sen. Richard Alarc n to grab public interest.

Today, Villaraigosa, who is seeking election March 3 to a second four-year term, is facing a field of nine relatively unknown challengers in an election his campaign likes to portray as a one-man race.

The difference from 2005 is that all the challengers are underfunded in comparison to the more-than $2.7 million the mayor has raised so far, and it appears none have been able to tap into or develop a broad range of support.

At the same time, Villaraigosa is not facing the challenges Hahn did - with his election coming after the failed San Fernando Valley secession drive and in the middle of a series of pay-to-play investigations.

In fact, Villaraigosa's campaign touts his successes in fighting crime, winning voter support for new taxes and his efforts on environmental and educational fronts.

The best known, relatively speaking, among Villaraigosa challengers are attorney Walter Moore and City Hall gadfly David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg. Other active challengers include community activist David R. Hernandez, actor Phil Jennerjahn and attorney Bruce Darian, all of whom have been running earnest campaigns.

Others who have qualified for the mayoral contest include legal assistant Carlos Alvarez, Deputy City Attorney Gordon Turner, union meat packer James Harris and Pastor Craig X. Rubin.

Villaraigosa has no plans to appear with any of his challengers and has declined city matching funds, which would require a joint appearance.

"Will he appear with all these other candidates?" consultant Ace Smith said. "It's simple. We are not debating them. We are not debating (fringe political figure) Lyndon LaRouche either.

"The mayor is running on a campaign that he has taken on the big issues," Smith said. "Four years ago, people said he was crazy to talk about the `subway to the sea' or hiring 1,000 cops. Well, the subway to the sea is in the works and the city could hit 1,000 new police officers this year.

"He will be laying out plans for green energy, high-tech jobs and he will be telling people about the foundation for change he has laid."

Ken Draper, editor of CityWatch - an online journal that monitors local politics - and the sponsor of a mayoral debate in 2005, said the lack of competition is driving down the role of activists.

"That (2005) race was more competitive," Draper said. "There doesn't seem to be as much interest this year."

Jill Barad, head of the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils, which was involved in several forums four years ago, said there is little interest this year.

"We had an incumbent mayor being challenged by several top candidates," Barad said. "You had Villaraigosa and Bob Hertzberg and Richard Alarc n, and the neighborhood councils were part of the discussions.

"There just isn't that level of candidates or interest this year. No one knows any of the challengers. We are looking at hosting some events for city attorney and controller, but no, not mayor."

Richard Close of the politically active Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association said he has tried to develop interest in the race by inviting all the mayoral candidates to appear before his group. Villaraigosa was not able to attend because he was in Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

The election is coming very early in the year due to a change approved by voters, and is coming after one of the most exciting national elections in history. Some analysts fear this will lead to election fatigue in addition to the normally low turnout for city elections.

And this has made it difficult for challengers.

Darian, of Chatsworth, said he recognizes the system for what it is, but that it represents a short time frame from the holiday season to the election.

"A lot of people don't even know there's an election," said Darian, who collected 512 votes when he ran four years ago. "And if we aren't able to get enough votes in the primary to block (Villaraigosa), that will be it."

Darian also complained about the mayor's refusal to participate in debates.

"I think it's indicative of where the mayor is," Darian said. "People are being let down by not being able to see the mayor discuss the issues with candidates of equal certification."

Moore, who has advanced his campaign through talk radio shows, has raised more than $200,000 so far for the race and qualified for city matching funds. His campaign is fueled by anger at illegal immigrants and at most policies advanced by Villaraigosa.

Moore said part of the problem he has had is overcoming the perception that Villaraigosa has no real challengers.

"For the first time in his career, Villaraigosa has declined matching funds," Moore said. "There's only one reason for him to do that: to avoid being legally required to debate me. He has time to go to photo ops every day. How about sparing 60 to 90 minutes to defend his record before the people of L.A.?"

Moore said he has differences with the mayor on a variety of issues, including increased density in the city, use of tax money to help private developments and the mayor's support for tax and fee increases.

Saltsburg is perhaps an only-in-L.A. kind of candidate.

A would-be rap singer who became involved in city politics when a crackdown on merchants began along the Venice boardwalk, he has become a regular at City Council meetings with his outpouring of singing and poems as well as some serious concerns over development and city spending.

He has raised no money for his campaign and relies on his appearances on public-access television and the Internet as well as speaking before any group that invites him.

"I was on public access for the past eight years, so I know a lot of people from that," Saltsburg said. "I've been using YouTube since it started, a lot of blogging, calling in to radio shows ... and the public comments during council meetings that are broadcast on City TV 35 with each meeting getting four airings.

"I think the only chance the people have at a grass-roots level is if everyone focuses all (their) energy in one direction because we are going up against such a well-financed political campaign machine."

The same frustration has come through in the City Council races where incumbents are seeking re-election.

Craig Wilson, who is running against Councilman Bill Rosendahl, is part of a slate of candidates running with Moore, primarily on crime and immigration issues.

"Everyone acts as if there is only one candidate for City Council in each district," Wilson complained. He said he agreed to be part of the Moore slate to try to build support and "to help Mr. Moore when he is elected mayor."

Moore said he put together the slate, which includes Deputy District Attorney David Berger for city attorney and Kathleen "Suzy" Evans for city controller, with the belief that three people making the same arguments will resonate with voters. 213-978-0390