Diversity trumps meritocracy

The Intelligencer

To the Editor:

President Obama has nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. It's important to note that Sotomayor was part of the majority on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals that threw out a lawsuit brought by several white men who were denied a position in the New Haven, Conn., fire department, even though they had scored the highest on entry tests.

Because no African Americans scored in the top percentile, the test was deemed to be racist, so of course it was thrown out. And please don't tell me the questions were "culturally biased." One of the firefighters who is part of the suit is a Hispanic who scored in the top 10. If African Americans had scored in the top percentile, the test would have been perfectly fine, because in this sick and getting sicker society, diversity trumps meritocracy and skin color is more important than individual liberty.

What the mainstream media have left out of this story is the fact that one of the white complainants has suffered from dyslexia all his life and spent a good deal of money and time preparing for the test. That didn't matter; his skin color apparently made it easier for him to score in the top five.
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President Obama said he wanted a justice with "empathy" on the court, but that compassion is only to be for certain people in the brave new world the left is constructing for us, where all will be equal, but some will be more equal than others.

Sotomayor is another bone thrown to the growing Hispanic base, along with Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who is a radical open-borders advocate. Identity politics played a major role in Obama's choice. She is as much an affirmative-action nominee as he was. When you examine her record, you find she is an ideologue, an anti-constitutionalist and a reverse racist.

But the fact that she is a woman and a Hispanic will have Republicans quaking in their boots during her confirmation. So cracked and broken is our melting pot, the much-coveted Hispanic vote will take precedence over our Constitution.

Dylan Meyers


June 01, 2009 02:20 AM

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