by John R. Marshall
Final Warning:Trans Terrorist Corridor
December 26, 2006 01:00 PM EST

There always comes a time in life when the choice is stand for what is right impervious of consequences or walk away.

On one side: President Bush, Senator Hutchison, Senator Cornyn, Texas Governor Perry along with Texas’s Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, Attorney General, General Land Office, Republican moneylenders, American International Corporate Socialists (AICS), pro NAFTA Groups, Texas Department of Transportation, and talk show hosts Limbaugh and Hanity.

On the other side, one farmer’s son that is me John R. Marshall licensed surveillance instructor. In the spirit of Col. Travis who asked his volunteers to “step on the line” not cross the line, and “only takes one Ranger to stop a riot“; this is not about courage, more like somewhere between not liking no excuse for being rich white trash and having no place to go with plenty of time to get there.

Satirical Good News: The United States Government is about to build the world’s largest ground transportation system for Hezbollah’s immerging staging area in Latin America - from Brazil to Monterrey, Mexico through Laredo, Texas to Kansas City to Canada. Having an understanding of Monterrey’s political history will explain why Hezbollah chose Monterrey as a logistical area to launch attacks into America.

Why no major terrorist attacks in America since 9-11? While U.S. has been tied down in Iraq and not securing its southern borders or policing domestic premises, foreign terrorists have been quietly preparing for their next attack of establishing “sleeper cells” on American soil.

Hezbollah has managed to put America’s foreign policy in a “catch twenty-two” scenario; come down hard on Iran for developing nuclear weapons and threaten U.S. economy with anarchy by releasing sleeper cell attacks on American soil.

The catch twenty-two part, no politician wants to threaten their legacy with actions that could easily result in tens of thousands of citizen casualties on American soil. The less than courageous decision, let the next administration deal with the inevitable.

Bad News: New World Order signifies AICS renewed greedy efforts for old world order attempted by Americans investing in Germany’s Nationalist Socialist Party during WWII. Fact atrocities of French Revolution will fade in comparison to America’s Second Civil War ignited by Trans Texas Corridor better known as Trans Terrorist Corridor.

America’s next civil war fighters will be “independents” nationalists against alliance of AICS moneylenders and Democratic Party world owes me subsidy addicts. Doubt my words, watch amnesty bi-partisan deal.

If Trans Terrorist Corridor supporters did not know their objectives were not in America’s best interest, why have they created special jurisdiction courts to enforce special exemption legislation for Trans Terrorist Corridor to steal private property for international corporate interests?

Path for the Trans Terrorist Corridor includes an estimated two thousand mile twelve hundred foot wide transportation system, which will for foreign corporate interests displace more than a million American citizens and confiscate through imminent domain abuses an estimated million and half acres of prime farm and ranch land.

The spark that starts America’s Second Civil war occurs when property owners, many who owned their land for over a hundred years, object to state troopers evicting senior citizens from homes, farms, and ranches based on orders by Trans Terrorist Corridor special courts.

One of these emotionally distraught property owners will reach for a weapon and be shot dead by overzealous law enforcement.

Neighbors sympathetic to friends’ being gunned down by government agents while stealing property for Republican moneylenders and foreign corporate interest will choose sides.

Governor Perry with his “the government can do what it wants and you will take it and like it attitude,” will call on President Bush to send in federal agents.

Americans need to understand that unlike Waco where Texans sat around and watched federal agents use tanks to gas / burn women and children, the new attitude will be this is not Waco.

The crisis escalates and more Americans choose sides, Middle East terrorists along with radical Hispanics seeking conquest of their “lost” homelands will exploit the tensions between Texas landowners and out of control law enforcement.

America’s next uncivil war will not be like America’s first uncivil war where people in blue uniforms lined up in straight lines and shot across open fields at people lined up in gray uniforms.

The weapon of choice in America’s next uncivil war will be deer rifles and hit and run strategies. Politicians need to be reminded that people who can be photographed can be shot by snipers.

A little country logic, since no one has gotten killed yet, it is not to late to delay the inevitable. Consider the following:

1) International corporate interests take their corridor scam to Vermont, those people elect socialists.

2) Texas political prostitutes take their ill-gotten gains better know as bribes and leave Texas.

3) Texas Department of Transportation is reorganized and employees that supported Trans Terrorist Corridor leave Texas.

4) Texas rural property owners go back to farming or ranching and complaining about the weather.

5) I return to looking for work as a ranch scout.

Imagine a future America where Texas politicians and Republican moneylenders are not standing on America’s southern border waving to Middle East and Hispanic terrorists “we have made our money so you all come on in.”

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Final Warning: Trans Terrorist Corridor