More senseless deaths
As I See It , Kevin Noa
Daily News of Newburyport


In the first week of April, Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera had a no-holds-barred shouting match that looked like it could come to blows. As the replay of it flashed across television screens and the Internet, various news anchors made comments of the display; some thought it was staged. But the crux of what the two men were arguing about has become one of the most dangerous realities facing America.

The blame for the tragic deaths of two teenage girls once again falls victim to the enabling of our federal government and the local government of Virginia Beach, Va. This is due to the disgraceful practice of allowing criminal, illegal aliens to roam our streets and commit crimes. Allison Kunhardt and Tessa Tranchant were struck and killed by illegal alien Alfred Ramos, who had three previous drunk driving convictions as well as other criminal activity, and was a disaster waiting to happen. And Virginia Beach is a sanctuary city, which means when illegal aliens are convicted of criminal activity, federal authorities are not notified to deport them.

Both liberal, conservative Democrats and Republicans share the responsibility for these girls' deaths. Like so many other areas of America where criminal illegal aliens are wreaking havoc, Virginia Beach wants the cheap labor for its own economic gain. Like everything in America, it's all about the money!

It it were not for "The O'Reilly Factor," this blatant scourge would not have even been reported, because criminal activity by illegal aliens is not something the majority of the liberal media feels is a problem in our country. How reprehensible! The major media in television and newspapers had nothing to say about this despicable crime until the confrontation between O'Reilly and Rivera. And then they glossed over the reason for the argument and only focused on the clash.

The night before the exchange between O'Reilly and Rivera the father and sister of one of the girls were on "The O'Reilly Factor." As anyone can imagine, their heartache was overwhelming. The families of these two girls will now have to live with the pain and sorrow of something that was completely preventable if Alfred Ramos had either been deported or in jail where he belonged. Now there will be no graduations, marriages and grandchildren for the two families who were victims.

When are we as a society going to demand our politicians do something about this epidemic? I realize many illegal aliens have come to America to live the dream of all the others, including my grandparents, who wanted a better life. But having them just flood into our nation with no documentation or validity has now led us to this crisis. The numbers are so staggering that it is clearly out of control. However, the blanket statements made by President Bush, Senator Kennedy, others on both sides of the political fence at this point are nothing more than lip service.

If any of our politicians thought they might lose their next election because of this problem, you'd see how fast things would change. Of course, I realize this isn't going to happen. However, maybe if enough noise was made there would at least be a crackdown on criminal illegal aliens and save the innocent lives of those who fall victim to their wrath.

Kevin Noa of Merrimac is a writer, author and teacher in the Lowell public schools.

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