This is a google translation from La Raza.

New attack on undocumented

Julio Cesar Montoya | March 20, 2008

Ante el-podio.jpgAlarma pro-immigrant activists to a proposed law that could be approved "fast-track".

The petition circulating in the Capitol offices of Washington DC It Thelma Drake, Republican of Virginia, calls the signing of his fellow congressmen to give the pending Bill SAVE (Secure America with Verification Enforcement), for immediate vote on the full legislature without being challenged by the respective congressional committee.

The bill number is HR 4088 and already has 181 signatures of congressmen authorizing their immediate vote, which requires 218 signatures (a simple majority).

Among other things, this legislation requires the verification of identity of all workers by E-Verify, increasing by more than eight thousand the number of border patrol for five years, and is based on the implementation of laws inside the country for accelerate the discovery and deportation of aliens.

The proposal was initially presented by the Democrat Heath Shuler, who recently arrived at the Capitol a seat representing a district in North Carolina, and was helped by the Congressman from Illinois, Rahm Emanuel. Besides Tom Tancredo, Republican of Colorado, is a sponsor of HR 4088.

That is why the Illinois Coalition for the Rights of Immigrants and Refugees () 4088, and requested him to intervene Congressman Emanuel with his colleague Shuler for it withdraws called SAVE Act and do the same for the support it has given to the direct vote of the proposal in the full legislature.

In this regard, ICIRR contends that Emanuel also has the option to influence other congressional Democrats from other states - eight in all counting Shuler - to withdraw its signature from the petition that could expedite the approval "fast-track" the HR 4088.

Karen Sanchez, a young student at Schurz High School, made a dramatic appeal of Illinois: "We need Congressman Emanuel show its real leadership and keep the Democratic Party to work for solutions, not supporting projects that pose a risk to our communities." Said the young.

ICIRR warned that one of the most criticized proposals in the Draft HR 4088 is the requirement for use of E-Verify among employers.

"Every employer, using the database known as the Basic Pilot E-Verify of the Social Security Administration (SSA) should confirm whether it is legal, duplicated or falsified Social Security number to submit the applicant for employment; also be collated by the same route to their current employees, "says the text.

This measure of the project is for all employers in the country and to all workers or employees are legal residents or citizens. In addition, the database is linked by computer with the Department of Homeland Security.

According to Fred Tsao, director of ICIRR: "If conducted this regulation will affect not only undocumented immigrants, but also legal residents and American citizens (because) the data Social Security are inoperative."

In this regard, the same Social Security Administration (SSA) has admitted that its database contains a high percentage of errors in names (Julius instead of July) and surname (Cepeda rather than Zepeda).

Data from the SSA include 18 million individuals who "are outdated - Tsao said - depending on dates of birth, newly legalized residents, and new citizens."

The bill also would require the SSA to report to the Department of Homeland Security to all applicants whose file does not match what they reported to their prospective employers, which is known as "No-Match".

Karewicz Anna, the organization Polish Youth Initiatives (Young Polish Initiatives), warned that "the 181 signatories of the petition pending waiver represent an alarming number based on the damage that HR 4088 would cause to our communities."

In these same terms ruled counsel William Quizeno, a specialist in immigration matters.

Rosi Carrasco, the Organization of Southwest America, said that the bill "contains advice to punish teachers for his contact with undocumented students, doctors, nurses and social workers would suffer the same fate, and could even accused friends and family aliens by supporting and / or housing. " © La Raza ... umentados/