This is an excellent read. If you want to send the commentator an email, the address is at the source link.

Writing America's obituary
By Colin McNickle
Sunday, June 28, 2009

America stands on the precipice of its demise on the eve of its 233rd birthday. Surely this is hyperbole, you retort, reeling from the directness of the assertion. Not at all.

But America's coming extinction won't be precipitated by some group of mullahs in Iran. Neither will it come at the hands of crazed North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida will have nothing to do with it. Neither will the Left's favorite bogeymen — those dastardly "right-wing extremists" who have the temerity to defend the Bill of Rights and federalism.

No, history will judge the coming death of America to be a suicide. It will be a self-inflicted head shot, the trigger pulled not only by newly emboldened "progressives," who, like teenagers liquored up on cheap booze, believe playing Russian roulette has no consequences, but by an electorate either too ignorant, too gullible or too lazy to stop them.

This crowd — the new collectivists, identical intellectual twins of the old socialists — is, as per usual, looking for someone else to pay for schemes that history should teach them aren't sustainable. But not content with loading just one bullet into the chamber, they've loaded three, and with frightening arrogance disastrously mistaken for "boldness":

• The first bullet is health-care "reform." Despite what the Obama administration claims, legislation now wending its way through Congress represents the wholesale conscription of America's health-care delivery system.

By fiat, the government won't effectively set the parameters for diagnoses, services, prices and profits, the government actually will do these things.

It also serves up financial penalties — taxes — for those with health insurance. It opens the door to taxpayer-underwritten insurance for illegal aliens. It keeps most of the costs of the program — $1 trillion? $2 trillion? $3 trillion? — "off-budget," the standard government accounting trick to hide "bold initiatives" that are fiscally and intellectually bankrupt.

The free market has "failed" health care, we are told. But given the strictures already long placed on virtually every aspect of its delivery, it's more accurate to say the free market hasn't ever been tried.

• The second bullet is "climate change" legislation. Never in the history of mankind has such a fraud been perpetrated.

The problem begins with the still highly debatable and increasingly debunked concept of "global warming." Then it's exacerbated by politicians seizing this fiction to embark on an attempt at worldwide social re-engineering.

The tool of choice for these pimps of all things government is the cudgel of "cap and trade" — erroneously billed as a "market-based way" to reduce "global warming-causing greenhouse gases."

A truly critical analysis of the consequences of cap and trade — not the quite flawed Congressional Budget Office study that "contains so many caveats as to render it useless," says The Wall Street Journal — shows the real damage ahead.

A Heritage Foundation study concludes it would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020 or nearly $2,000 for a family of four. By 2035, that cost rises to nearly $7,000 for that family.

Other research shows "green jobs" will produce not "prosperity" but fewer net jobs.

Combine what correctly is being described as the biggest tax increase in history with other Democrat plans to tax and spend our way back to prosperity and bankruptcy looms large.

• Bullet three is "immigration reform." Or, more precisely, the Obama administration's revival of a plan to give amnesty to the estimated 20 million illegal aliens in the United States.

We apparently learned nothing from the amnesty of 1986, which legalized 4 million illegals. It was a failure. And that's the assessment of the fella charged with carrying out President Ronald Reagan's ill-fated program, then-Attorney General Ed Meese:

"There was extensive document fraud and the number of people applying for amnesty far exceeded projections," he wrote in 2006. "And there was a failure of political will to enforce new laws against employers. After a brief slowdown, illegal immigration returned to high levels and continued unabated, forming the nucleus of today's large population of illegal aliens."

And Democrats want to try the same insane thing again?

Three bullets. Each bought by the electorate. Each loaded by the government. Each being pointed at America's head. And, tragically, the trigger is about to be squeezed by a nation of too-ignorant, too-gullible or too-lazy sheeple.

Wrote John Adams in 1774:

The most sensible and jealous people are so little attentive to government that there are no instances of resistance until repeated, multiplied oppressions have placed it beyond a doubt that their rulers have formed settled plans to deprive them of their liberties; not to oppress an individual or a few, but to break down the fences of a free constitution, and deprive the people at large of all share in the government, and all the checks by which it is limited.

America resembles these sentiments as it prepares to yet again celebrate its independence. How sad. How tragic. How un-American.