Bet their police force doesn't need any 287(g) program.

Mexican police arrest 76 undocumented immigrants
+ - 11:04, July 05, 2007

Mexican police have arrested 76 undocumented migrants in the town of Mazatan in the state of Chiapas that borders Guatemala, local media reported on Wednesday.

The 76 migrants were spotted during a police patrol of the Las Carolinas Ranch, 50 km from the Guatemalan border post of Lucio de Leon. They were captured and sent to the National Migration Agency headquarters in the Chiapas city of Tapachula.

Most of those arrested were Central Americans, including Salvadorians, Hondurans and Guatemalans.

The migrants would have paid between 3,000 and 15,000 U.S. dollars to a smuggler to take them to the United States. Mexican authorities will begin repatriating them within hours.

In 2006, Mexican authorities arrested 183,000 undocumented migrants, 90 percent of them Central Americans.