I came across this on another website.


* 2 hours long with about 150 people inside (standing room only) many others stayed outside on the street holding signs; only about a dozen total inside and out were illegal supports; this is shocking since Hall Co. is 40% Latino; maybe they are getting the idea that Georgia doesn’t want them here.

*D.A. King: Americans demand secure border; why are employers able to hire illegals? ; we can put man on moon but can’t secure border; why are Americans forced to obey laws while illegals don’t ; why can’t our border be as secure as Mexico’s; D. A. King did a great job standing up for us!!

* Phil Kent: said he belonged to oldest immigration organization in country called American Immigration Control founded in 1983; said we are importing poverty; hit hard about Americans losing jobs - brought up where 30,000 Hispanics took over clean-up jobs from Americans after Katrina; he got a standing ovation from the crowd

*Comments by Deal, Norwood, Price, McCollough
They said they are purposely stalling immigration reform until after the elections in Nov; said McCain and Reid have been sending numerous letters to all house members demanding that they cave and said that there would be “no conference” on the issue; several said they love the pres. but don’t agree with him on this issue; pres. needs to send more troops to the border; illegal immigration poses threat to our stability and well being; we need vigorous interior enforcement; schools burdened w/ children who speak no English; hospitals overburdened and taxpayers foot the bill; law enforcement in Georgia say #1 criminal acts are from Hispanic gangs; several said that Americans don’t trust the government to secure the border; securing the border should be done before anything else; they adamently said that the Senate bill as is will not go through

* A few dissenter speakers:
Some man from UGA with outrageous facts supporting illegals; Gary Black who is running for Agriculture Commissioner was on the fence as he supported illegals for farmers, but wants border secure; McCollough feverishly supported the Senate bill and blasted Republicans for the statemate; if she would have kept up, she would have been booed.

* One rep. got a roaring round of applause as he said that we need to have the laws that Mexico has and he denounced the piece in the Senate bill that said we had to get permission from Mexico to build a fence.

*One man almost got thrown out of the courtroom when he bravely shouted “Secure the dam border!” Another man yelled out “Preach it!” when Nathan Deal was hitting hard on all the problems we have due to illegal immigration.

*As I was standing outside with the protestors a caucasian women from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution approached us and asked for our names and the city where we were from; in a snippy way she said that she wanted to get our side. Later I wished that I would have responded with, “You mean the American side”.

* Univision and several other local news were there. No illegals protesting and many, many horns beeping passing by those who were anti-illegal immigration protestors outside with signs. I joined them for a few minutes. Several people had driven over 2 hours from south Georgia to attend the hearing. They all said that the meeting was to get us prepped up for a “Guest Worker” program.

* Two homeland security trucks and officers present along with Gainesville City police

The overall mood was not good. Many left during the meeting as they were frustrated. It was an especially bad day for the dozen or so illegal supporters in there as they were not expecting to get blasted as they did.