
Mexican President Fox Called Irresponsible and Suicidal

Mexico, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The attitude assumed by Mexico´s President Vicente Fox at the fourth Summit of the Americas in Argentina has been termed "irresponsible and regrettable" although it came as "no surprise".

Commenting on Fox´ public remarks, Mexican international analyst Carlos Fazio said Fox "endorsed (the US) manifest destiny vision and promoted interventionism and economic neoliberalism at last week's OAS Summit in Mar del Plata.

Fazio explained that two concepts of American integration clashed in Mar del Plata: Fox opted for an integration of servitude via the Free Trade Area of the Americas, while Cuba, Venezuela and Southern Common Market members (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay) boost an integration of liberation.

The first option continues the "banana republic" frame of mind, while the second is "a real effort to overcome underdevelopment and get rid of imperialist oppression," he said.

It is unacceptable to unite as dependents, because any such alliance should concentrate on all national interests, added the specialist.

The analyst termed Vicente Fox' unconditional support of imperialist integration, "suicidal".