This is the transcript of our letter (my husband included) to our Representatives regarding in-state tuition. Feel free to copy and paste it and email personally to your own Reps. via the North Carolina General Assembly. Perhaps I should say one of my letters!

As natives of North Carolina and citizens of the United States, we are appalled to see HB 1183 allowing illegal immigrants the right to in-state tuition being considered. In every poll taken in North Carolina to date, American Citizens have overwhelmingly voted at 90% and above AGAINST HB-1183. Illegal immigrants are costing this state millions of dollars every year. That money comes out of the tax payer's pockets.

This is not a MORAL issue. If it was, you would have to vote no because illegal immigrants are breaking the law with their criminal actions of staying in the USA undocumented (or after that documentation has expired). The only thing that makes this a moral issue is the fact that we have to explain to our children why illegal immigrants continually reap benefits for breaking our Nation's laws while American children are disciplined if they break the law. Is this simply because they are Citizens of the USA? How do we explain this constant reward system for criminals to them? Moreover, if the State budget cannot afford to take care of our North Carolinian (American citizens) children, how can we justify doing anything for the criminals of illegal immigration? Our American children should come first. They do!!

We urge you to contact your constituents and find out their feelings on this issue before you vote. Elections are lost or won by the way you vote while in office. North Carolina citizens are paying attention and we DO care how our money is spent. Please make sure your constituents have voiced their opinion to you regarding HB 1183 before you cast your ballot. Your conscience dictates this.

We understand you may have already decided to vote "No". If so thank you so much for voting the way 90% of North Carolinians believe is the only way to vote regarding HB 1183.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

What do you think?
Thanks for your input!