Mexicans Without Borders Starts Scrubbing Their Website
By Greg L | 18 March 2008 | Zapatistas, Prince William County

Mexicans Without Borders must be starting to feel some pressure about their open ties with the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (the EZLN), since the recently started removing content from their website. They had seemed rather proud of this content before, but it appears they’re not quite as proud of this now. The first thing to disappear is this photograph of Mexicans Without Borders member Arnoldo Borjas addressing the EZLN, and fitting in just fabulously.

Just in case they decide to steal from posterity future opportunities to reflect on what Mexicans Without Borders stands for, here is the google translation of the web page which until recently made this photograph available.

Representatives of civil society are involved in the First Plenary Session of the Other campaign in Chiapas, Mexico.

(Photo of Arnoldo Borjas, a representative of Mexicans Without Borders to the First Plenary Session of The Other Campaign in Chiapas, Mexico on 15 and September 16, 2005)

September 15, 2005


We initially this humble but sincere effort by the recate of our nation and the values for which we are fighting: The dignity, freedom, justice, democracy, equality and progress.

We welcome the rebellion.

We the sons of the homeland absent Mexican initially believe that our struggle for our rights as Mexican migrants is a struggle for Mexico.

We believe legitimizes our struggle from abroad for a homeland free and fair rather than democratic, as Asi is our legitimate right to fight against those who infringe on our country and our mexican brothers and sisters.

We can not conceive that the past, present and future of our nation without us.

In letting our first synthesized form contributed to the campaign on these points:

- The other campaign will be recognized as a binational as with the participation of Mexicans living abroad.

- That offer to the other campaign our cooperation, our office located in Washington DC, and our resources (capital of the United States) to develop and coordinate these efforts with the individuals and organizations that choose to participate in another campaign from the United States.

- To leave our open invitation to the commander of the EZLN and all those involved in another campaign, to visit us.

- The other campaign promote the autonomous organization of Mexicans living abroad

- That takes another campaign as our own proposal to create a national congress migrants, in order to achieve genuine representation of Mexicans abroad.

- That unaware of the Mexican government and any officer or office as legitimate representatives ours: We can not ever accept our representation to those who deny us our rights and is directly responsible for our condition.

- That will not accept anyone who negotiate on our behalf and our situation with no government of another nation.

- That takes another campaign as our own demand for a constitutional amendment to the General Population Act of the Mexican constitution that guarantees full respect for migrants’ rights, which guarantees security and respect for human and civil rights in the Mexican borders, and to guide and limit the sovereignty of the migration policy of Mexico, which is currently subject to the interest of the United States.

- That recidimos Mexicans abroad have guaranteed a full measure of our constitutional rights like all Mexicans in mexico.

- The right to migrate is not recognized within constitutional rights.

- That our economic contribution through remittances should not be used for profit by participating in speculative projects, or charitable, or to encourage exploitation of mexicans but for the support to projects of an autonomous community that sustainable dignifique the lives of our families.

- The other campaign has been declared in solidarity with the struggles and demands of migrants around the world

- That the discussion of the themes of the campaign are discussed in other public forums.

Point five

Arnoldo Borjas, Mexicanos Sin Fronteras

Being anticapitalistao anti-imperialist in the country’s capital more terrorist world history and not question the commitments or challenges, would leave us free from criticism and outside the game. Our movement taking to another campaign like ours. Since yesterday, our campaign has been against racism, persecution and discrimination of the most vulnerable across the country. We recognize our obligations as migrants and our rights trampled on as the there, we believe it is necessary a look at the queriéndose go from here to there and there to queriéndose regresar. We appreciate Zapatismo by the lesson.

We appreciate the attention to our word and we endorse our solidarity and commitment to the homeland.

Never more a Mexico without us!

Mexicanos Sin Fronteras

1247 E St.. SE
Washington, DC 20003
202-544-9355 ext 15
We wouldn’t want these folks to think that we’re not appreciative of the opportunity to read anarchist calls for rebellion from folks that think the United States is the most terrorist nation in world history and express their unending solidarity and commitment to a foreign nation. Such psychological self-buggery is rare, and cannot vanish down some convenient memory hole just because Mexicans Without Borders has suddenly discovered a sense of shame. ... #more-2163