Mexico's meddling
Sunday, October 21, 2007 ... 33617.html

Imagine the outcry south of the Mexican border if the U.S. government actively and aggressively aided its citizens in a criminal enterprise. Yet the Mexican government is doing exactly that in the U.S.
Increased deportations of illegal-alien Mexicans has prompted a new initiative at Mexico's 47 U.S. consulates. The push is on to fight for the "rights" of Mexicans, even if they're here illegally, The Dallas Morning News reports.

In Boston, for example, the Mexican consul calls the arrest and criminal trespass trial of four illegal aliens "discriminatory and a violation of human rights." Elsewhere illegals are being advised where to live and how to avoid deportation.

Mexico's concerted effort to undermine U.S. law and nationhood isn't anything new. Remember the Mexican government comic book that advised citizens how to enter the U.S. illegally and ways to avoid detection? Diplomatic status has its privileges.

At issue isn't human rights or discrimination. It's about Mexico losing a share of its cash-cow remittances -- totaling a record $23 billion last year -- from citizens living in the U.S. and the political unrest from disgruntled Mexicans who are being shipped back across the border. Better to move future revolutionaries north -- and keep them there.
After all, why confront its own dysfunctions when Mexico instead can encourage its citizens to violate the laws of another nation?