In response to amnesty stooge Dick Armey
By Michelle Malkin • March 17, 2010 01:43 PM

I have wonderful, grass-roots friends at Freedomworks.

Dick Armey is not one of them.

He’s a clueless promoter of bailout-happy, big government Republican Sen. John McCain. And Armey’s a blowhard-y Beltway dinosaur who can’t resist shooting off his mouth and alienating the Tea Party base while criticizing other conservatives of alienation. At the National Press Club to promote the D.C. protest against Demcare, Armey veered off into a liberal platitude-littered rant against conservatives who believe in strict enforcement of our immigration laws.

Armey singled out former Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo and bragged about censoring him while they served in the House together:

Former Republican House leader Dick Armey said staunch anti-immigration opponents such as Rep. Tom Tancredo are destructive to Republicans — and are alienating a “naturalâ€