May 30, 2008
The Failure of Immigration Reform Has Created a Living Hell. What’s Next?
By Frank Sharry

I am an immigrant advocate. I have worked in the nation’s capitol for more than a decade in pursuit of comprehensive immigration reform legislation that would enfranchise millions of undocumented workers, reunite families separated for years by restrictions and backlogs, and admit needed workers in a way that would protect their rights, and do so in a way that would restore the rule of law to our nation’s dysfunctional immigration system.
A year ago I predicted that an admittedly flawed comprehensive immigration reform bill would clear the U.S. Senate, get improved and approved in the House of Representatives, and be signed into law. I was wrong. In June of 2007 the Senate bill crashed and burned before the House ever had a chance to take it up.

The so-called “grand bargainâ€