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Minutemen Project Working Too Well
April 6, 2005


RUSH: I was just checking one of my favorite websites, It's a parody website. The headline at ScrappleFace is, "Mexican Minutemen Spot Representative DeLay Crossing Border." (Laughing) Did you hear that, Mr. Snerdley? Mexican Minutemen spot Representative DeLay crossing border. Speaking of the -- (Laughing) -- speaking of the Minutemen, you know, this is working too well, folks. It's just working too well. "Clusters of citizens who volunteered to watch for illegal immigrants and smugglers along a swath of the Mexican border passed their first night of full patrols without incident, authorities said Tuesday. Of the 1.1 million illegal immigrants caught by the Border Patrol last year, 51 percent crossed into the country at Arizona." Now, we have a spokesman here, Andy Adame, a patrol spokesman, said that apprehension numbers have gone down since the volunteers arrived, an indication that fewer people might be trying to cross, but he also noted the Mexican military and police have been conducting some kind of operation south of the Naco area themselves which tends to drive down crossings.

So what's happened here is the Minutemen, their presence has resulted in fewer crossings since they arrived, and since the Minutemen arrived, the Mexican government is patrolling their side of the border. So it's a success! We got more border control agents, we got Mexican government officials on the other side, we've got the Minutemen and we've got fewer people trying to cross the border. The Arizona Daily Star today says this. "Eager to avoid confrontations between volunteers and its people, Mexico is sweeping the area south of the Minuteman Project clear of migrants. Gov. Eduardo Bours Castelo has placed 44 members of the new state police force across the border at La Morita, a cattle ranch that leads directly to the border south of Bisbee, said Diego Padilla the governor's Arizona representative. The state police are working with Grupo Beta, Mexico's migrant protection force, which is plucking migrants out of the desert and depositing them in nearby Agua Prieta, where they are encouraged to wait before trying to cross." So the Mexican government is sweeping migrants away from the border.

All of this, look at how easily it can be done? The Minutemen show up, the Mexican government shows up with its own Minutemen patrols in the form of government officers, fewer people are crossing the border, and the Mexican government is running around sort of like David Dinkins did during the Republican convention in New York -- when was that? In '92. Was all the way back in '92? '92, no, that was Clinton. That was the Democrats. The Republican convention was -- no, it was the Democrat convention! It was the Democrat convention in '92. David Dinkins swept all the homeless people out of the Madison Square Garden area and sent them far enough south of Manhattan where it would take them three weeks to walk back and of course the Democrats would be gone by then. The Mexican government is doing the same thing on its side of the border by sweeping all -- (Laughing) And they say it would never work.